Koreans Learning English... Thanks To The Gp2x


Jul 26, 2006

"Oneshotvoca develops new method for vocabulary learning

The company has patented a unique way of memorizing vocabulary, called "blinking method" because it enables learners to learn many new words in the blink of an eye.

The secret of this innovative method is GP2X, an open-source gaming console and media player that facilitates learning by twinkling lights on its LCD screen while target words and idioms are displayed. According to the company, the method was designed to help average learners memorize 100 new words within one hour, and has been used by more than 300 schools and institutes of the country.

The company is currently working on diversifying learning materials that can be used by the gadget. "Memorizing vocabulary is only the beginning of learning languages.

You should minimize the time spent on it to maximize time spent for reading," said Lim Hyung-taek, president of the company's online service firm vocamaster.com. "
ROFL, i find this funny, and slightly intelligent... give the kids a learning device that can teach 'em 100 words an hour, and play Neo Geo games, simply genius
Wow, now if they would make the same thing for English speakers who wish to learn Japanese, I would buy a copy myself :)
sehs33 posted on Feb 23 2007 at 10:14 PM said:
Wow, now if they would make the same thing for English speakers who wish to learn Japanese, I would buy a copy myself :)

Haii, domo arigato gozaimasu! :lol:

Nanika tabetaides. :huh:
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So they memorize words via blinking lights? How about picking up a book and a dictionary instead, or surfing English news sites like Yahoo, or watching English movies? That's what did the trick for me, seizure-free too :)

- Alex
sehs33 posted on Feb 23 2007 at 11:38 PM said:
Jarska333 kun, my Japanese is so limited, what does "Nanika tabetaides" stand for? :)

I want to eat something. B)

About all I actually know, unfortunately. :rolleyes:
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Sayonara :P
I used to know alot of words, but it is been a very long time since I reviewed or watched animes (god, I hate fillers...)
Jarska333 posted on Feb 23 2007 at 08:55 PM said:
Haii, domo arigato gozaimasu! :lol:

Nanika tabetaides. :huh:

Just a hunch..you didn't ever listen to the Pimsleur Japanese tapes, did you? :D
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Just think of all of the english they can learn by playing emus too :P

They can play SNES RPGs and pick alot up there.

"All your base are belong to us" Hmmm. on second thought, maybe not a good idea :P
This is great news!
Now we just need something for us lazy brits to learn other languages.
mhhh cool concept blinking lights? wonder if it can be used for memorizing other things

sehs33 posted on Feb 23 2007 at 11:25 PM said:
Sayonara :P
I used to know alot of words, but it is been a very long time since I reviewed or watched animes (god, I hate fillers...)

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Interesting. Now, if anybody could send a copy of that to the people in charge at GPH...:)
OmarNawaz posted on Feb 24 2007 at 09:34 PM said:
mhhh cool concept blinking lights? wonder if it can be used for memorizing other things
My company is doing a project for an educational institute for people who wish to learn to type quickly, they have two patents for something that involves blinking lights and so :)

OmarNawaz posted on Feb 24 2007 at 09:34 PM said:
Yeah I just found out today :D
BTW, do you know any paid service that is like Naruto Fan Plus with a reasonable price and has all 450+ episodes of Detictive Conan in their collection?
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now people who got photo-sensitive epilepsy will fail all english classes :(