Korean Websites


Yeah, I'm a GIRL gamer, what of it?
Oct 20, 2006
Visit site
How come on alot of commercial korean websites, the designs are almost identical? Take for example GPH's site, MMORPG sites, etc...
Shikaku posted on Oct 26 2006 at 03:51 PM said:
Can I tell him can I tell him!? PLEASEEEE...

Let me:

... what was the question again?
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Linking some examples would help a lot you know :p

Everything's got to do with the flavour of the month. Like how abstract 3D graphics were the hottest thing in webdesign a year or two ago, accompanied by pin-sized font types. Then came the overuse of drop shadows on the sides of the site body, over-minimalism, and fanaticism over table-less coding.

- Alex
sam fisher posted on Oct 26 2006 at 05:04 PM said:
DemonStar55 posted on Oct 26 2006 at 10:02 PM said:
sam fisher posted on Oct 26 2006 at 04:43 PM said:
Templates? Copying?
or only one web designer that they can hire in korea, or there area
Thats what I was thinking also. All done by one company.
Namely Cookie-Cutter Inc. ;)

- Alex
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You know in every country other than yours they are called biscuits? You are the minority. i have to call things "moms" so you have to call them "biscuits". They are only cookies if they have chocolate chips in them!
Way to go off on a tangent there peter.
God, I love it when you talk science.
*flicks hair*
fluffyhamster posted on Oct 26 2006 at 10:09 PM said:
Shikaku posted on Oct 26 2006 at 06:35 PM said:

wait... this isn't the slipzone!
That being said, what are you doing posting here fluffyhamster? ;)

- Alex
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declaration posted on Oct 26 2006 at 07:41 PM said:

They are all the same because they are all run by premiumtv >_>
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