Kimchi Man


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
Is this a good game? Is it still easy to play even though it's in korean. I read that it has puzzles in the levels, do I need to know korean for these puzzles (if theres an explanation of the puzzle)?
How'd you know I had it :P This game is mainly a platformer where you punch and kick, but the minigames and menus are in korean. it helps to know korean, but it isn't necessary.
Do you recommend it? You don't know korean, do you? Did you have any trouble with the game because you didn't know korean (please be specific).
I've not even played this game, but let me put it this way...

If it isnt an RPG then dont worry - it's really RPG type games that you need to learn korean or some other language the game is written in, otherwise you're gonna be stuck in it like hell.. sure some platformers have storylines or instructions on control system but i'm pretty sure it's all easy to figure out.. besides, I've played japanese platformers before and managed through the menus just fine by simply seeing what each one does and memorizing it ;)
I've not even played this game, but let me put it this way...

If it isnt an RPG then dont worry - it's really RPG type games that you need to learn korean or some other language the game is written in, otherwise you're gonna be stuck in it like hell.. sure some platformers have storylines or instructions on control system but i'm pretty sure it's all easy to figure out.. besides, I've played japanese platformers before and managed through the menus just fine by simply seeing what each one does and memorizing it ;)
Yeah, but this game shows specific mission objectives and has puzzles in it which probably tell you what you need to do in korean
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It's pretty fun for a while but I soon got bored when I had the flash realistation that I was using a GP32, and far more interesting things were beneath my finger tips.
Theres a link to a review of it on the homepage of this website. On the left hand side.
I know, i read it and it said that the korean text can cause problems with figuring out mission objectives and/or solving the puzzles. I wanted to know if meonlyeviler had any of these problems and if he could specifically state them.
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The korean texti s annoying in some pllaces, like the menu is in korean, so its a hassle figuring out how to load. The minigame objectives are in korean too, but other then that you can get through the game even though its in korean. It's mainly just a platform game.