Kernal Source

so there are no modifications to the Pandora's kernel? It's just the standard one?
Didn't say that, but I assume any changes have been upstream, doing by how many Pandora specific angstrom packages there are. Sure op have an svn/git etc that would be best.

Couldn't you just do it as a kernel module, and then use that? (as in load it at runtime)
Not so easy.
While there might not be core kernel changes, many modules are probably modified for the pandora, and need a specific kernel version. A reason why we are stuck at 2.6.27 for now.

Check here, to get some instructions on how to do it.

darfgarf said:
Couldn't you just do it as a kernel module, and then use that? (as in load it at runtime)
He needs the kernel sources, or at minimum the kernel headers in order to compile anything kernel related. But its best to use the very same kernel they use to avoid any incompatibility down the line.
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I'm a bit disappointed in that there's not a single complete answer here, so giving it a propably poor go from my phone.

The real source tree of the pandora kernel is combined by bitbake from the pandora-kernel.git repo at a certain revision and a set of patches listed in the recipe. The SGX and wifi drivers are built from different recipes.
What you need is under

I'll add specific links here from a PC later IIRC.

A bit OT, but would anybody be interested in a wikipage "howto: building the kernel on the pandora"?
Since I've done it, and will propably have the time next week i thought to ask if there is interest in this, even though i suck at writing docs.
urjaman said:
A bit OT, but would anybody be interested in a wikipage "howto: building the kernel on the pandora"?
Since I've done it, and will propably have the time next week i thought to ask if there is interest in this, even though i suck at writing docs.

I would be interested in this, if it's not too much trouble for you. I'm sure there are others who will find it usefull too.
But, you know, don't do it just for me... :)

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torpor said:
"howto: building the kernel on the pandora"?

Hell yeah! :)
The shortest howto:
1. Install Gentoo
2. Emerge this ebuild:
3. cd /usr/src/linux && make uImage

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Meh! I would love to write a script that will build the whole Pandora OS on the Pandora (OS) with a 32gig SD card .. that'll rock. :) Might take a week, but still ..
My mistake, I thought it was instruction for building Gentoo and should have looked more carefully.

You could be a little more polite than responding "Wrong." though...
Vitel said:
The shortest howto:
1. Install Gentoo
2. Emerge this ebuild:
3. cd /usr/src/linux && make uImage

Do you have e-builds for building the wifi and/or SGX modules, too?
Just asking because looking at them might help me write a wikipage with instructions for them too if i have the time.
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urjaman said:
Do you have e-builds for building the wifi and/or SGX modules, too?
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