Just Some Questions I Need Answered


Still Fresh
Feb 6, 2007
Hey everyone haven't been on forums for a while..I just have a couple of questions.

1)How much do the Gp2x cost in US Dollars $$
-What are some of the gp2x sale sites that have cheap prices and shipping?

2)Do the Gp2x lag on most games?
-I heard on youtube that some of the games lag

3)Is it true that Gp2x has 450Mhz?

4)Can this system do more homebrew then DS?

5)What are some of the Pro's and con's?

6)How do the video work? Do it have to be converted? Most of my movies are *.Mpg

7)What type of Games do the Gp2x play? Snes,N64,PsX,Other....??

8)Can some window games be played on Gp2x ? Example Dark Reign 2....

-Maybe have more questions but none came to mind.......

GP2X has anything from 400Mhz to 550Mhz depending on how you overclock each of the 200Mhz processors :)

Check out the archive (link on main page) and view the forums for the answers to your other Q's
Killamurk07 said:
Hey everyone haven't been on forums for a while..I just have a couple of questions.

1)How much do the Gp2x cost in US Dollars $$
-What are some of the gp2x sale sites that have cheap prices and shipping?

2)Do the Gp2x lag on most games?
-I heard on youtube that some of the games lag

3)Is it true that Gp2x has 450Mhz?

4)Can this system do more homebrew then DS?

5)What are some of the Pro's and con's?

6)How do the video work? Do it have to be converted? Most of my movies are *.Mpg

7)What type of Games do the Gp2x play? Snes,N64,PsX,Other....??

8)Can some window games be played on Gp2x ? Example Dark Reign 2....

-Maybe have more questions but none came to mind.......

Only store in america i know of online, is the gp2xstore.com, and it cost about 205$, playasia.com sells them for about 189 (+25$shipping), you may what to talk around, and see if you can find a store where the OC on the gp2x is tested.

2. Yes, some of the game's do lag, because from what i hear, its quite the task to emulate them perfectly, but i play snes, most games run fine, as well as sega genesis (games run practically flawless) and the neo geo emulator runs games extremely well, gba and psx emulation is kinda slow (cant play final fantasy!) but on the psx should see some improvements ;)

3. I'm unsure, might wanna pm someone for that info (like a GP GURU...=P)

4. Of course, practically perfect sega/neogeo. As well as emulation for, snes, gb, gbc, gba, nes, sega cd,

5. Well the pros and cons in my head are as follows: Pros: 2 rechargeable batteries running your machine for 4 - 5 hours, many different emulators and applications, lots of support from the gp gurus ;) , as well as updates on emulators.

Cons: Wondering if the gp3x will be on sale within the year :ph34r:

6. So far all of my video files work, xvid, divx, and you can always get video conversion software, im not sure of which ones are the best, but i use virtual dub 1.4 and im watching my video's right now =P

7. amiga, cps2, neo geo, snes, nes, sega/cd, psx, gb, gbc, gba,and some pc ports, the community also releases games they have made like hmmmmm square defense? sqdef :lol: (this list might be incomplete)

8. Yes the 2x can play some windows games i belive... like doom, hexen, quake, and they're are more i believe, im sure someone else in this forum can give you some better answers.

<3 GP2X <3

emoticon havok!
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3- From the WIKI
The Gp2X has "1 CPU: 200MHz ARM920T host processor, and 200MHz ARM940T programmable coprocessor".

Many programs only uses the first 200 Mhz processor. But recently a lot of devs have been using the 2nd to do some asides job (ie sound emulation).

4-A lot of homebrew for the 2X as it's Linux powered.
See by yourself: GBAX compo 2007

5-Pro: Open source, cool Devs, nice community, not so bad hardware.
Cons: Not that much commercial good looking bad games (is that a con?)

I don't think that a Gp3X will be on sale this year BTW.

7- No N64. Probably never. But Psx is getting better and better each day.
For me the Gba emulation is really good enough. And you have also Nes-Snes-Megadrive (Genesis)-NeoGeo.AND SO ON...
Even my two favortites computers are emulated (Amiga and Cpc). The Atari ST emu is really good too.

8- Yes, it can play games that has been ported to Linux and are Open source. Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem, Hexen, Descent... Ports

Do some searches about all that, it's well documented!
virusx said:
3- From the WIKI
The Gp2X has "1 CPU: 200MHz ARM920T host processor, and 200MHz ARM940T programmable coprocessor".

Many programs only uses the first 200 Mhz processor. But recently a lot of devs have been using the 2nd to do some asides job (ie sound emulation).

4-A lot of homebrew for the 2X as it's Linux powered.
See by yourself: GBAX compo 2007

5-Pro: Open source, cool Devs, nice community, not so bad hardware.
Cons: Not that much commercial good looking bad games (is that a con?)

I don't think that a Gp3X will be on sale this year BTW.

7- No N64. Probably never. But Psx is getting better and better each day.
For me the Gba emulation is really good enough. And you have also Nes-Snes-Megadrive (Genesis)-NeoGeo.AND SO ON...
Even my two favortites computers are emulated (Amiga and Cpc). The Atari ST emu is really good too.

8- Yes, it can play games that has been ported to Linux and are Open source. Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem, Hexen, Descent... Ports

Do some searches about all that, it's well documented!

harsh... i can still dream though :ph34r:
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I paid $189 + shipping for the value pack with 4 rechargeable batteries. Received it in 4 days from New York to Western Colorado.

All you need to know is the gp2x is insanely cool, can play like 20,000 games well, and has a VERY active dev scene.

(Does anybody have any closeish ballpark idea of how many playable games there are?)