Just Seen Casino Royale


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Jan 29, 2004
Scotland, UK
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Just seen Casino Royale today. I wanna hear what y'all think of the movie.
I personally thought it was amazing. The fact that it wasnt clogged up with loads of gadgets and focused more on the action was wat made it good. Daniel Craig also suits the role very well. He's a better Bond than Brosnan in my eye. And the start of the movie was the best start of a movie I've ever seen. Period.
Just seen Casino Royale today. I wanna hear what y'all think of the movie.
I personally thought it was amazing. The fact that it wasnt clogged up with loads of gadgets and focused more on the action was wat made it good. Daniel Craig also suits the role very well. He's a better Bond than Brosnan in my eye. And the start of the movie was the best start of a movie I've ever seen. Period.
Not a big Bond fan, always prefered watching Indiana Jones myself. Like you say, too many gadgets in Bond.
Any one can be a good spy when the machines & gadgets do all the work for you ;)
Gotta admit though that I'm dying to see this one.
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I actually liked Brosnan as Bond. I thought he was the best one since Connery. He had a lot of class about him, but he wasn't a total pussy like Roger Moore. It's a shame they weren't able to put him in better Bond movies, though I did like Goldeneye.

I'm curious to see this one though. I don't know about Daniel Craig, but the whole movie looks pretty action packed and a lot more tense than Bond movies have been than years.

Also, this is probably more nerdy than is warranted for a topic about James Bond, but I liked the episode of Star Trek DS9 where Dr. Bashir played a Bond-style secret agent. It was fun and tongue-in-cheek without degrading into total parody.