Just got my Pandora


Jan 19, 2009
I just got my Pandora today and I figured I would come here to praise the community and it's makers as well as ask a few questions.

I haven't used it much so far but I am very pleased with the overall build and the OS.  The PND system is simply brilliant.  The controls are amazing...except the nubs which I will go into detail later.  The screen is excellent and very clear.  I have a TV-Out cable as well that I bought from a user from this forum and it works good, only complaint is how you switch between Main Layer and HW Scaler / Overlay as somethings work with one and not the other.  Example the PCSX ReARMed r18 emulator uses HW Scaler / overlay setting but Desktop uses Main Layer so I have to switch. Not downing the emulator at all by the way just talking about TV-Out.  The emulator is awesome! Thank you Notaz for that. Maybe when the TV-Out is more common some of these odd issues can be worked out...or I am a newb and am doing it wrong.  Amazing battery life, I have had the Pandora on since 2pm and it is now 6pm and it is only at 69% so I should easily get 10 hours if not more.

QUESTIONS in this paragraph

The nubs seem inaccurate....like when I move right on one I can't seem to go just right it seems like I end up hitting up or down as well.  Also I don't know if it is supposed to be like this but the tops of the nubs where you put your thumbs are able to SPIN around.....is that normal?  Any programs I can use to calibrate or test current calibration?  The Pandora Input-Tester doesn't really help me as I am not sure what values I am supposed to get from the nubs. I played Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Rouge Spear, first mission is called Pandoras Trigger!, and the left nub seems like it would still go forward even though I let go and right nub was just odd to aim with.  I have a 3DS, PSP and a PSVita and they all feel quite better.  There was another topic in General Talk about how they just got their Pandora. In that post they said it was a notch above the PSP.  Mine feel worse...as I bought mine used off ebay are they maybe defective?  Any suggestions to help me diagnose this would be much appreciated. 

I am going to highly recommend the Pandora to everyone I show it to.  I had four people buy PSVitas after I took mine to work.  I am hoping I can do the same for the Pandora.

I want to say Thank you! to everyone and anyone involved in making the Pandora.  I want to say Thank you to all the amazing people in this community.  I bought a Pandora because of this community and the dedication to this project that everyone involved put into it.  I also want to say Thanks! to Link for the PMs he replied back to and the helpful information he gave....I will definitely be sending anyone here in Tulsa, Oklahoma USA to your online shop for their purchase.

ED, I definitely have to say thank you for your time and effort you put into the Pandora.  I watched every single one your videos (minus the German ones) and that really made me sure that I definitely wanted this amazing product!

MWeston (sorry if I get the name wrong) the AUDIO is AMAZING! Glad you put the effort to making sure high quality parts were used.

Overall I would say the Pandora has lived up to it's hype and my ideas about what it would be like to have one.  Looking forward to a Pandora 2 in the future...this time I will be a preorder and not a passer by.

Now back to my Rebirth Pandora!

EDIT: Corrected some grammar
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Nub spinning is normal, Calibration is done automatically and sometimes you need to do the "Nub Dance"(move them all around) to put them right.. The left Nub on my Rebirth Pandora seems a bit off too, but works great on my First batch unit.. so who knows what is going on.
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Getting a pandora is a good feeling :D Sometimes the nubs go off and you need to re calibrate them in the settings. Goto [Pandora] > [settings] > [Pandora Nub configurator], but as TrashyMG Said, the left and right nubs can slightly vary, but its hardly noticeable at all

Try hitting 'Reset Nubs'

Also i would recommend downloading 'PNDManager' straight away to install and manage all your PND's (if you haven't already done so)
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Getting a pandora is a good feeling :D Sometimes the nubs go off and you need to re calibrate them in the settings. Goto [Pandora] > [settings] > [Pandora Nub configurator], but as TrashyMG Said, the left and right nubs can slightly vary, but its hardly noticeable at all

Try hitting 'Reset Nubs'

Also i would recommend downloading 'PNDManager' straight away to install and manage all your PND's (if you haven't already done so)
Thank you TrashyMG and maddis.  I will give the Pandora Nub configurator a try.  I have not downloaded the PNDManager yet.  I will get that right away!  Thanks
Thanks everyone.  This community is really awesome.  I am really enjoying my Pandora.  My wife is a little irked though.  I can't seem to put it down....the Pandora of course get your mind out of the gutter.  LOL
Difference between a pandora and a wife?

Correct answer: Pandoras don't love you back

Wrong answer:  (You can probably think of more of these than I can ;) )
Pandoras don't love you back
Thanks everyone.  This community is really awesome.  I am really enjoying my Pandora.  My wife is a little irked though.  I can't seem to put it down....the Pandora of course get your mind out of the gutter.  LOL
Hah, man I can't wait to get mine from Link.

I think you got the Rebirth in a Classic case that I was bidding on ebay for :P
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Thanks everyone.  This community is really awesome.  I am really enjoying my Pandora.  My wife is a little irked though.  I can't seem to put it down....the Pandora of course get your mind out of the gutter.  LOL
Hah, man I can't wait to get mine from Link.

I think you got the Rebirth in a Classic case that I was bidding on ebay for :P
OH Snap!  You mean this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Open-Pandora-ReBirth-Edition-in-1st-batch-case-Handheld-Game-System-Linux-more-/321050992745?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=DRhNxr%252BWC0rPIrzzMECfF1ETlIc%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc