Newbie Questions


Still Fresh
Feb 1, 2004
Hi, how do I turn my gp32 on?

sorry, kidding...wonder if someone will read that line and instantly flame :D

Ive kept an eye on the gp32 for about 2 years and the recent releases of drmd and handy led to me finally buying a non-lit one off ebay. It turned up yesterday and I spent the night sorting it.

Using the search on here and google etc it now has a nice Slubman firmware, mp3 player, drmd, handy, gpengine, movie player thing etc :) Not tried any MD games yet but had a quick look at some lynx ones. Best however is gpengine. Spent my entire 1hr lunch break at work playing Bonks Revenge and an extra 15mins as I lost track of time :P God the game made me crack up with some of the moves in it. If only the emulator had save states! :(

Only thing I couldnt get working last night was my own encoded video, I think because it didnt have sound, will try again at the weekend but I found one on the web that worked.

The gp32 only overclocks to 156 but I could get someone at work to do the resister mod thing and its got a dead pixel and 2 tiny bits of dust but who cares at £60 with a 128meg card :)

thats the exact page I followed last night :) I think mine messed up as for some reason when I choose mp3 for the audio compressor I cannot select anything else and so the video has on sound. The codec must be screwed. I will reinstall it etc

Heres a question. How can a company make something as good as the gp32, quite a few years ago now and yet not market and sell it properly!
ta all of you. will give them a go tonight and spend another lunch "bonking" in my car :P

The bit I got stuck on with the gp32 was the flashing of the firmware. Mine had one on it where I only had the option of Play or PC Link on the menu, pushing Select like all the guides said did nothing and did not swap to mp3 screen etc? Guessing it was some ancient firmware. Eventually got pclink working on my pc I then found that putting fw.bin and .exe (?) onto the root of the smart card did nothing, I had to put them into GPMM and then I could go into my Play menu and select it to run from there