Hi, how do I turn my gp32 on?
sorry, kidding...wonder if someone will read that line and instantly flame
Ive kept an eye on the gp32 for about 2 years and the recent releases of drmd and handy led to me finally buying a non-lit one off ebay. It turned up yesterday and I spent the night sorting it.
Using the search on here and google etc it now has a nice Slubman firmware, mp3 player, drmd, handy, gpengine, movie player thing etc
Not tried any MD games yet but had a quick look at some lynx ones. Best however is gpengine. Spent my entire 1hr lunch break at work playing Bonks Revenge and an extra 15mins as I lost track of time
God the game made me crack up with some of the moves in it. If only the emulator had save states!
Only thing I couldnt get working last night was my own encoded video, I think because it didnt have sound, will try again at the weekend but I found one on the web that worked.
The gp32 only overclocks to 156 but I could get someone at work to do the resister mod thing and its got a dead pixel and 2 tiny bits of dust but who cares at £60 with a 128meg card
sorry, kidding...wonder if someone will read that line and instantly flame
Ive kept an eye on the gp32 for about 2 years and the recent releases of drmd and handy led to me finally buying a non-lit one off ebay. It turned up yesterday and I spent the night sorting it.
Using the search on here and google etc it now has a nice Slubman firmware, mp3 player, drmd, handy, gpengine, movie player thing etc
Only thing I couldnt get working last night was my own encoded video, I think because it didnt have sound, will try again at the weekend but I found one on the web that worked.
The gp32 only overclocks to 156 but I could get someone at work to do the resister mod thing and its got a dead pixel and 2 tiny bits of dust but who cares at £60 with a 128meg card