Just Got My Gp2x And Have A Feew Questions

sam fisher

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2004
Bristol, UK
1. I was fast forwarding trought a video with sound on full and it made a mega loud beep. Any idea why. So loud the case and GP2x shook infact.

2. I cannot get it to read the GP2x on PC and had to use my digicam to put files on. Could someone tell me how to det my USB to 1.1 so i can get it to see it?
1: Make sure your video encoding isin't queered.

2: From what ive heard, you can use a usb 1.1 powered hub. - gennerally a bad idea right now though since the sd-usb portion on the gp2x is so slow. just go buy a usb sd reader. got a decent overpriced one at bestbuy for $21.00 USD.
I have oen lined up to buy thanks. Im really good at encoding ( I was the gp32 encoding god!) also the batteries were pretty hard to get in. I had to in the end insert one the wrong way (put the positive end in first before the negative). That put a lot of pressure on the contacts of the 2x. Is that normal as is it ok to do it i.e. I don't want to push the connectors off and instide the gp2x :o !
I've had to press pretty hard to get the batteries in the correct way, but it was better than trying to get it in the other way. I haven't heard of any of the battery connectors being shoddy, so I haven't taken any extra precautions to be gentle. But, I am very careful with the headphone connector.
I hate my old game boy case! its got a little compartment you slide the thing into.
Well as i was putting it in i felt that it would not go in all the way.
I looked and the whole GP2x was hanging of the joystick caught on the edge on the wall of the compartment.
I have not yet had a chance to test it and was wondering if the microswitch thingey or what ever it is will of got pulled off or something!?
sam fisher posted on Dec 16 2005 at 03:29 PM said:
I hate my old game boy case! its got a little compartment you slide the thing into.
Well as i was putting it in i felt that it would not go in all the way.
I looked and the whole GP2x was hanging of the joystick caught on the edge on the wall of the compartment.
I have not yet had a chance to test it and was wondering if the microswitch thingey or what ever it is will of got pulled off or something!?

.. the joystick is quite sturdy, and the shaft is made of metal. That little plastic thumbcap pops right off.
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sam fisher posted on Dec 16 2005 at 02:35 PM said:
I hate my old game boy case! its got a little compartment you slide the thing into.
Well as i was putting it in i felt that it would not go in all the way.
I looked and the whole GP2x was hanging of the joystick caught on the edge on the wall of the compartment.
I have not yet had a chance to test it and was wondering if the microswitch thingey or what ever it is will of got pulled off or something!?

The stick *should* be okay, it is a solid (brass?) stick under the plastic, and the switch case is metal (steel?)

That said, did you put it in abxy side first? Or, the stick side first?

I don't know about using that style case, I got the GP2X style zippered one with my pre-order, but I've heard people are having good results with Astonishia story style ones.

Edit: TelcoLou beat me to it.
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Maybe just because other arrangements might be trademarked or something. It's no big deal - programs can use whichever buttons they want. I don't care (or frequently I don't even remember) what it says on them

edit - Ah, I've understood what that meant now. Scratch that.
sam fisher posted on Dec 16 2005 at 02:59 PM said:
ABXY side first why?

I just meant, did you put the stick side first, or the button side first into the case?

I am guessing you put the button side (abxy) into the case first, that is why it is hanging up before you get the stick in?
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I just thought of it a different way. It would be just like moving the joy stick wouldnt it?if there was enough pressure it would of just popped the end off so it should be fine. The joystick was pushed towards the left and i have noticed pushing it towards the right now requires less pressure. Any idea why?
wyefye posted on Dec 16 2005 at 11:56 AM said:
1: Make sure your video encoding isin't queered.

2: From what ive heard, you can use a usb 1.1 powered hub. - gennerally a bad idea right now though since the sd-usb portion on the gp2x is so slow. just go buy a usb sd reader. got a decent overpriced one at bestbuy for $21.00 USD.

I bought this nice little thumbdrive SD card reader small and works great!
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Stop trying to recreate the hysteria of "My brother screamed at my GP32, is it broken?". This will just end in tears.
sam fisher posted on Dec 17 2005 at 11:24 AM said:
Also i pressed the joystick to see how hard it would have to vbe pushed to click on the edge. The answer is quite a lot. Would that of damaged it?
i can sort you out with an insurance policy if you want :D
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finty posted on Dec 17 2005 at 07:20 PM said:
Stop trying to recreate the hysteria of "My brother screamed at my GP32, is it broken?". This will just end in tears.
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Ya i need insurance! Finty you know evenutally i will just shut up. Also the new thing im afraid of now is my brother slammed down the toilet seat on the floor below thus possibly damaging it!