Just For The Hell Of It


Dec 23, 2007
Midlands, England
I'm getting the Wiz just for the hell of it. Whell not really the GP2X was a hand held just like the psp but it never fitted in your pocket. The gba micro was great for playing games on the go geese it even had a final fight gba game and street fighter which was pretty good. Anyways on topic i think the wiz will be a great little machine. :ph34r:
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I'm getting Wiz because it is reminds me of XGP mini that was canceled(the reason I bougth gp2x instead).

And I hope that stupid reptile will catch leper or something more painfully for splitting The Second Dpad.
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Evil dragon :o Best choice ever made i would never buy a Wiz for homebrew.
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I'm getting a Wiz mainly so I can play SNES games comfortably in my bed and on travels. I've been thinking of getting a GP2X many times and when I finally decide I could really use one the Wiz is about to come out so I have to wait.
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I've thought about getting the wiz because of availability and PSX, but both those are a bit dubious at this point. Also for the touchscreen and OLED, both are big plus's for me. I'm not that sure if the touchscreen will get utilized with pc games though, but maybe amiga and st emulation will cover my strategy needs. The battery life is a bit worrying though as I'd really like an always on device. As you can see from this, my needs are quite close to the pandora... but still OLED w00t!
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'quasist' said:
Im getting Wiz because it is reminds me of XGP mini that was canceled(the reason I bougth gp2x instead).

And I hope that stupid reptile will catch leper or something more painfully for splitting The Second Dpad.
you sound like a stupid little child. evil dragon did the right thing, and 95% of the forum agree. besides which, it is painfully obvious that there were more problems than just the d-pad. if it was just the d-pad that needed to be fixed it would have been released months ago.

you speak with such insolence and venom but all the points you try to make are uninformed, selfish and spiteful.
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'gibberish' said:
you sound like a stupid little child. evil dragon did the right thing, and 95% of the forum agree. besides which, it is painfully obvious that there were more problems than just the d-pad. if it was just the d-pad that needed to be fixed it would have been released months ago.

you speak with such insolence and venom but all the points you try to make are uninformed, selfish and spiteful.
You have been here for a year and still get offended by quasist? :S
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'gibberish' said:
you sound like a stupid little child. evil dragon did the right thing
if it did it to the left thing, it(reptile) would be slain on instant
'gibberish' said:
and 95% of the forum agree.
95% forum means nothing

1d20 always critical :)

'gibberish' said:
besides which, it is painfully

'gibberish' said:
you speak with such insolence and venom but all the points you try to make are uninformed, selfish and spiteful.
I prefer render in triangles(or quads), not points

P.S: Couldn't resist to shred the quote :P
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I honestly try reading this stuff, but I think something gets lost in translation.
'Phawx' said:
I honestly try reading this stuff, but I think something gets lost in translation.
Yeah, we should petition Google to add Immature-Socially-Retarded-Engrish-Trolling->English to their translator, it would be very useful.
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I don't think he speaks English at all, and is just Google Translating everything.
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'pandora' said:
He needs a ban, and will not stop untill he gets one.

I don't think he needs a ban, he's not disruptive or anything. Let him troll in peace, no?
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'pandora' said:
He needs a ban, and will not stop untill he gets one.
If I needed ban to myself I would post something like "BAN ME NOW!" in Other stuff-Suggestions Forum.
But right here I was guided to offtopic :)
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