Just for fun: If video game "qualifications" counted for anything in reality, what would be on your


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
Lately, I've been re-playing Lemmings 3D for the first time in years, and it directly inspired this thread with this;


So, I ask you, if abilities and titles gained from video games counted for anything in the real world, what would be on your Curriculum Vitae?

According to my taste in games: I work well with robots; I'm a qualified lemming handler; Thanks to several platformers (and platform-puzzlers such as the Dizzy games), I'm something of an adventurer; I'm an Arwing, tank, submarine, and mech pilot; I know kung-fu and ninja combat moves; And in Animal Crossing terms, I'm apparently a self-made millionaire. I also earned a few medals commanding squadrons of armed-to-the-teeth annelids, back in the day. :P

What wouldn't go on there is my hilarious mismanagement of several theme parks, which resulted in them needing to be vapourised off of the face of the Earth.

So, go crazy. What abilities "earned" from video games would go on your CV? (And, conversely, which ones wouldn't? :lol: )
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I've saved the galaxy hundreds of times, I can rotate blocks, I am a pokemon master, I'm a dragon, a bandicoot, an alian, a robot, a cat, and a human, I am a pro kart racer, but you can just call me Commander Shepard

Thanks to Road Rash, I can juggle multiple responsibilities while remaining calm under pressure. Platforming has taught me that agility in the marketplace and focus on one's goal is crucial if you want to take things to the next level. And Minesweeper has seen me develop a keen sense for identifying workplace hazards, provided said problems are surrounded by large numeric tiles.

What I wouldn't write: FPS games show that I work well autonomously, but only perform well in teams under close supervision. RTS games reveal that my ability to delegate tasks and manage resources leaves a lot to be desired.
I am a long range serial killer, my weapon of choice is the sniper, and the cross/bow & arrow. My services don't come cheap. I specialize in the art of smuggling potions, earning myself more gold than I know what to do with. I am an anti-semitic demon with a soft spot for the weak. I'm a silent worker with the need for one companion, and have a difficult time working with more than that. I am not a leader, nor a follower.
I am a serial killing diamond miner with expert block and rock moving skills - avoiding butterflies and fireflies a speciality. I'm also good at catching and taming wild animals and matching things (in threes). My resource management and budgeting skills are top notch. I also excel in zombie removal/disposal and gardening. I can often be seen running (or riding) over hill and dale in a green tunic with a sword, catapault and hookshot. I can also play the ocarina.
Adapting to new situations is a breeze for me with skills honed in a multitude of randomly generated dungeons, fighting unexpectable evils and identifying magic items and potions. I am also highly experienced at doing this from the back of a dragon. Thousands of miles of highspeed chases in the worlds' fastest cars have improved my ability for concentrating on a task as well as fired the spirit to be the first to cross the finish line. Revealing world-engulfing conspiracies while being equipped with body-wide biomechanical enhancements earned me a reputation to go deeper into matters and look for more than meets the eye. The number of Zombies I have blown to smithereens with either a keyboard or plastic gun reveals a certain typing proficiency as well as a steady hand for delicate work. Last, but not least, orientation in unknown, hostile territory is not a problem after having explored several metroids and castles on my own.

On the flip side, I am not confident entering into hand-to-hand combat against a single opponent. I only ever engage in 1vs1 melee with a weapon equipped, preferrably a Bo or Katana. My lack of organizational skill and overview shows when I am forced to command military personnel to conquer enemy land or plan an economical network and time passes quickly. My lack of patience with simple matters shows when there are blocks that need rotating and stacking.

(POWDER, Panzer Dragoon Saga, GranTourismo, Deus Ex, Typing of the Dead, House of the Dead, Metroidvania

any Beat'em'up, Soul Calibur, any RTS/EcoSim, any puzzler)
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Intergalactic Ninja..

Purely on the amount of shmups and shinobi/ Strider/tenchu play
Works well with others (Co-operative FPS)

Able to assume many roles with fluid adaptivity (RPG)

Excellent navigational skills (Dungeon crawlers and Rogue-likes)

Superior organizational skills (Tetris)

Critical thinker (Puzzles)

Managerial duties include but are not limited to: economic oversight, construction lead, employee moral, personnel management, city planning, and defeating the Zurg. (And that covers just about everything else)

I'm a great antigravity vehicle pilot

I'm good at capturing animals in small balls

I have navigated through draculas castle and many planets

I'm a decent roller coaster designer

Ability to run at over 700MPH

I'm a master infiltrator and smoker

I'm a qualified mech operator

I can hold my own against the undead

I'm a demon hunter adept with swords and firearms


I'd make an awful hospital manager

I'm useless at commanding armies

I can not play the plastic guitar

I can't dance

My driving skills are poor

I tend to accidentally shoot friends
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-Best Buddy of Sonic The Hedgehog

-Advance Wars Strategic General

-Sim City Mayor

-Certified™ Minecraft Builder. :D


If something can be built or edited in a game, I will come. :D
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Pokemon Master

Expert Spaceship Pilot

Kart Racing Champion

Drift Racing Champion

Motocross Champion

Tecmo Bowl Champion

World Martial Arts Champion

Tactical Weapons Specialist

Saved the World

Rescued the Princess
I create a blue streak as I run (sonic), I have defeated the worst virus known to man 6 different times (Megaman X), I'm great at quickly organising things (tetris), I'm an excellent helicopter pilot (BF2). I have commanded the future by controlling the past, and I have conquered the past by commanding the future (C&C). I have defeated many monkeys in space. (StarFox) and have mastered the art of the Hadouken. (street Fighter/Megaman X) I'm a very agile swordsman who can counter anything. (Smash Bros.)
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Sound ability in sorting & filing (freecell)

Good ability with spacial awareness (tetris) but gets easily distracted after moderate periods of activity

Excellent pathfinder & problem solver (FPS) poor team player unless selected to pathfinding & problem solving

Good rhythm (GH) Poor coordination (can't do GH chord changes, Beat-em's or sports)

good knowledge of dynamic physics and learning new routines (driving games) but concentration can be a problem (usually after 10-15 laps)