Just Curious About Everyone...

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Many people think Pandora is a gaming / emulation device only, but this is not true. It was designed from early on to be a multifunction palmtop computer / UMPC as well as a gaming handheld. Many desirable applications require a keyboard and the general consensus was that an on-screen keyboard wasn't good enough

copy and pasted from F&Q
i feel very hopeful
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Chip said:
PoisonedV said:
what the dick is this?

This is the second and final warning I'm giving you about being unnecessarily combattive towards new members. Either be civil or be quiet.

I think PoisonedV's post had some good points that I agree with concerning the topic at hand, though yes, it could've been said in a more polite manner ("don't bite the newbies", etc).
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guys your wrong, the pandora is meant to be an aesthetically pleasing paperweight. you should reconsider buying one if you wanted to use it for anything like emulation or PDA applications :P
I'm desperate to get my hands on one of these, and I've got very little plans for emulation (well, except that I'll probably run Deluxe Paint under UAE)

Ever since my Psion 5 did a kamikaze leap and broke its screen, I've been looking for a suitable replacement device - something pocket sized with a keyboard (pretty much all PDAs now take the Palm form factor, or are brick like mobile phones) that's open enough to run the Apps I need.

The kind of stuff I'd use it for:
  • Checking emails whilst out and about
  • Quick web browsing
  • RSS Feeds
  • Media Player
  • SSH client (so I can log in to my server and reboot it when it goes barmy and I'm not near a PC)
But most importantly, it'll let me spend the 2 hours commute every day doing something more productive than reading the Metro and staring out of the window. This thing should quite easily be able to host its own C++ development environment, so I can code on the go.

And yes, I might unwind every so often playing Frontier or Lemmings on the Amiga Emulator, but that's certainly not my main aim.
benjymous said:
The kind of stuff I'd use it for:
  • Checking emails whilst out and about
  • Quick web browsing
  • RSS Feeds
  • Media Player
  • SSH client (so I can log in to my server and reboot it when it goes barmy and I'm not near a PC)
sorry, i don't listen to commoners
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enigma85 said:
not trying to scare everyone away from it but alot of "commoners" as i like to call them arn't realizing what they are getting in to. hell most people barely know how to use linux. yes they probably will have an easy gui but even so linux isn't for normal users.

anyone else feel the same way about some of the posts here? i'm just sick of hearing that "i want it, i need it!" but have no idea what its for.
I get the impression that you are talking about people that are hyped about the device, which I think it is Ok so long they are not expecting anything above n64 emulation. I can't really imagine anyone wanting to buy something but having no idea what they will do with it. This is different than what you think it is ment for.

Lots of people here are passionate about very specific things that the pandora is capable of, while others will just enjoy a new gadget. They think it's enough to justify spending £200, so I don't see the problem. Unless you are worried about not being able to get a pre order in. (Like me) :D

I am personally looking forward to psx emulation, dosbox, great increase of potential ports, portable web browser and the community progress of homebrew.

Welcome to the forums btw! :)
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benjymous said:
PoisonedV said:
sorry, i don't listen to commoners
You don't listen to developers?

nice way to read the original post

op said:
not trying to scare everyone away from it but alot of "commoners" as i like to call them arn't realizing what they are getting in to.
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I have to agree with PoisonedV's initial sentiments, if not exact words.

enigma85 said:
the people that arn't up to snuff
What gives you the right to decide people aren't up to snuff?

enigma85 said:
there are many that know what its main purpose is and you know who you are.
So you know exactly what it's for and anyone that disagrees must be wrong.

enigma85 said:
if you just started reading about the pandora(maybe my first post and not a member long, but i've been following the pandora for about a year)
Maybe, but you seem to be taking the attitude that everyone else that has just joined recently knows nothing, but you are obviously superior.

enigma85 said:
alot of "commoners" as i like to call them arn't realizing what they are getting in to.
Nice insult. I'm sure they'd like to call you something.

enigma85 said:
hell most people barely know how to use linux. yes they probably will have an easy gui but even so linux isn't for normal users.
Most people with a pc barely know how to use Windows, especially when something goes wrong. They should stick to using toasters, right.

As far as I am concerned people have the right to decide if Pandora is for them and if they get one they can use it for anything they like. Those that have any knowledge at all can help point newcomers in the right direction if they are on the wrong track, eg playing Halo.
Welcome to the forum. Have a nice stay.
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PoisonedV said:
nice way to read the original post
I did.... I read that to equate "commoners" with "clueless noobs" in his mind (i.e. the "linux isn't easy" comment) - I guess it's hard to detect who the sarcasm is being directed at in your post!
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benjymous said:
PoisonedV said:
nice way to read the original post
I did.... I read that to equate "commoners" with "clueless noobs" in his mind (i.e. the "linux isn't easy" comment) - I guess it's hard to detect who the sarcasm is being directed at in your post!

yeah, i should have made it more clear, but i was pretty pissed (it happens easily). he said that people who don't 'realize' the device is for emulation are commoners, so I was poking fun at that
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PoisonedV said:
yeah, i should have made it more clear, but i was pretty pissed (it happens easily). he said that people who don't 'realize' the device is for emulation are commoners, so I was poking fun at that
No worries - I'll get back to my hacking, and keep my fingers crossed that the MonoXNA libraries will be in some kind of decent state by the time I've got a game worth playing on them!
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Just saying, the OP's only 2 posts both look like total flame-bait.
ipb image
thats what you get for posting a meme

ps you really underestimate the stupidy of people
TaG said:
enigma85 said:
hell most people barely know how to use linux. yes they probably will have an easy gui but even so linux isn't for normal users.
Most people with a pc barely know how to use Windows, especially when something goes wrong. They should stick to using toasters, right.

Windows died fairly regularly on my parents. They also have problems with toasters.
I switched them to Linux (Ubuntu) about 2 years ago and I've gotten a lot fewer support calls since then. They seem quite happy with it and everything it can do. Dad's even installed a few things from the repository, all by himself.
Now, if my folks can use Linux effectively, there is absolutely no reason why no one else could.
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