Joystick Poped Out Of Place


Still Fresh
Aug 14, 2007
I really need help, my joystick was dislodged (limp and unresponsive) this happened 2 times before, and I jiggled it till it popped back into place.
But this time it seems serious. I've been playing with the stick for 2hours and 30 minutes now, and it's not popping back into place! I heard that if you hear grinding sounds then there is no hope for the stick, but I don't hear any sounds at all from it

please help, I love this thing to death!
well, never mine, the thing is broken for good, been playing with it for almost 2 days now and it's not back in. Id return it but I don't want this happening again, ill probably buy the f200, GP needs our support anyway (and the touch screen looks sweet)
The same thing happened to me... actually the first time the stick popped out was also the last... couldn't get the little bastard back in place. I decided to send it to ED and get a DPAD mod. :)
saehn said:
Sell it on eBay, someone will buy it. It's not a total loss. It's probably still fixable. If not, someone could d-pad mod it.
Ya, i have changed my mind, after looking at a few d pad mods and learning the layout of the joystick and how it works I designed a way to make a little d pad setup with just buttons, lol heres hopping for the best!
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Is the solder joint holding the joystick in place weak? If you know what you are doing, open the back of the case, if the joystick moves about on the mobo, you could apply more solder to the joint. If it is rigid already, then the joystick is probably faulty; in which case, send it back.
bacteria said:
Is the solder joint holding the joystick in place weak? If you know what you are doing, open the back of the case, if the joystick moves about on the mobo, you could apply more solder to the joint. If it is rigid already, then the joystick is probably faulty; in which case, send it back.
No it's not the joint, I opened the joystick itself and it happened that the shaft popped out of the gear, and the spring was stuck to the side of the device. I repaired the joystick easily, and put together my gp2x again. Sadly after about 5minute of game time the stick popped out again. Really annoying as it took me almost a hour to reposition the spring correctly. So now I' making a new joystick for it. It's actually based off of your idea bacteria, but I'm going to do it in a method that does not destroy the stock joystick.

EDIT: i just now realize that the joystick is layed out differently. looking at the soldered side, it looks like this

ha ha never mind, I just realized the MK2 had its joy shifted :P . anyway i got the joints soldered and i tested it, works perfect, now i just need to put it into a joystick like shape :)
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