Need Help! Joystick Busted.


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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My joystick busted on me yesterday, the stick part is very lose and I cant get any of the directions to register. I purchased my GP2X from, so im out of luck with them (they dont exist anymore).
I think these are my options:
1. Fix myself, assuming I can get a stick somewhere
2. Ship it and get it fixed somewhere else.

My first choice probally would be to ship to the UK to ED, the thing that would make or break this is the cost to ship round trip.
Has anyone shipped either to Japan or Britain and what was the cost to do so?
Has anyone actually found the stick somewhere that will sell it at low quanities?
Has anyone contacted someone that picked up support for

This is pretty frustrating as I havnt had it for more than a year. Anyway I will get it fixed one way or another.

PROBLEM FIXED! Stick had 'poped out of socket' moved around and it poped back in as described below.
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Craigix is UK's dealer, ED is Germany's, both rock, guess if you contacted them using a PM they will guide you, sorry but no idea where you might get a new stick (btw caps are getting out of stock in most shops, which is really strange, so you can also purchase a couple caps when you get that solved).
my stick became really lose once because i think i twisted it and no directions would registered. :angry:
i just twisted it and turned it for about 20mins until it like popped back into place. :P
it doesnt seem as secure as it did but it hasnt broken since. :)
YES! I moved it around a little and it poped back into place.
You guys ROCK!

Yup. Same thing happened to me when I was playing Payback (was during a 3 hour session - I liked Payback very much) and I thought my GP2X was doomed. But, the next day I picked it up to show someone what happened and as I was moving the stick around it "popped" back into place.

Don't know what happened, but I'm glad it's working again.
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My joystick busted on me yesterday, the stick part is very lose and I cant get any of the directions to register.

Has anyone actually found the stick somewhere that will sell it at low quanities?

PROBLEM FIXED! Stick had 'poped out of socket' moved around and it poped back in as described below.

The stick mechanism is a standard ALPS part that can be bought cheaply from many electronics suppliers such as allied or Digikey. I think it is like $6.00 or something like that.

This also may happen again. As you use the stick it wears on the "stick click" switch in there making it easier to come out of socket . The use of "stick click" will make it wear faster too which is one reason I suggest developers stay away from making it a mandatory button in their program.
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my stick became really lose once because i think i twisted it and no directions would registered. :angry:
i just twisted it and turned it for about 20mins until it like popped back into place. :P
it doesnt seem as secure as it did but it hasnt broken since. :)


I *knew* I should have searched the forums for this before sending my gp2x back!

It broke just before christmas and I sent it for repair 2 weeks ago - seems like an eternity now.
And I probably won't get it back for another month :(

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