I've got my GP32


Still Fresh
Apr 13, 2003
So, my GP32 arived today, but unfortunately it wasn't delivered til 9 and I was already at work by then. I've got a long, boring day ahead of me, so I've decided I might as well get some stuff for my new toy, but then I hit a slight snag... what exactly should I do first? This topic has probably come up before, but seeing as I'm new here (well, returning :)) you can let me off ;)

What do you recommend I do once I've got the batteries in the thing?
Cant remember the first thing i did..... probablt tried an MP3 or something. I would recommend trying something easy to use at first. Get some NES roms and try Little John or NesterGP. Then try GpDoom with the Shareware Doom wad. Those would be two good things to start off with........ good luck and happy playing. :)
well, u need to get the usb drivers, the free launch software, the pc link software. and u you need to register your gp32.
Ah... to have a new GP32 again. I remember getting mine and finding, to my surprise, that I could do absolutely nothing without a Smartmedia cart. Then finding I couldn't register it for a few days when it did at last arrive, and going through a fair palava to get transfers working, before getting stuck into SMS32.

Twas an experience of much thrashing around with cables and multitudes of swearwords on account of server errors and similar.

But well worth it all!
Ok, I've got the GP32, opened up the box, whacked in the batteries and SMC, registered it, installed the drivers and copied an mp3 across, and was quite impressed by how it sounded when I played it (I was expecting it to sound crap, it wasn't too bad). Now I'm trying to figure out how to run wind-ups :P

Just another man with a new toy :)
you should also start looking for rom sites if you dont already know any good ones. it took me quite some time to find sites that had good downloads for all systems.
Uhhh... I generally hate double posting, but why on Earth was this moved to the help forum? I don't need any help with my GP32, I just wanted some suggestions on what I should try first to get into it :P

All is well though, having gone through a dozen batteries since I got it (I really need to buy some recharable ones), got some movies playing on it etc, fun! :D
Suggestions are help <_<

I usually like all the new GP32 owner posts to be in the "help and other stuff" section, since that is what the new GP32 owner should look at first for "help and other stuff". If you really think it belongs in General Talk, I can move it back there.

Oh, and to avoid double-posting, click on the EDIT button on your last post. Do something like this to show you've edited it:

blah blah new information