Its Possible...bluetooth?


gp32 hardcore raver
Jul 28, 2003
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is it possible...or is anyone trying to get bluetooth to work on the gp32 via the expantion port.. gp32_console
as i think this would be cool... :ph34r:
imagiane playing kof91 via a bluetooth adapter.... :P
or sending item's from your phone to wind-up's... :D
wish i had the technical knowledge :o
Long story short: No.

Afaik, there are no bluetooth dongle's which work with UARTs. Best bet would be via the USB port. But getting the GP32 to act as host is tricky...
is it possible...or is anyone trying to get bluetooth to work on the gp32 via the expantion port..
as i think this would be cool...

Maybe.... :unsure:

imagiane playing kof91 via a bluetooth adapter....
:lol: What dont you play it with RF adapter?

or sending item's from your phone to wind-up's...
That would be cool

wish i had the technical knowledge
In fact : Me too :)

see you :lol:
I'm guessing you'd want to try bluejacking on the gp as well ;). I suppose a big bluejacking program would be made if a bluetooth adapter was ever made.

I doubt it'll happen though. Too much work for something not many people will use.
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Am I the only one who finds that word hilarious?
Probably, seeing as a bluetooth dongle is a very normal thing... It usually plugs into your USB port (in fact, havn't seen any which don't), and it allows your comp to use bluetooth... So

actually I find the word hilarious too as I'm don't know much about bluetooth and have never heard of a dongle before :rolleyes:
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Am I the only one who finds that word hilarious?
Probably, seeing as a bluetooth dongle is a very normal thing... It usually plugs into your USB port (in fact, havn't seen any which don't), and it allows your comp to use bluetooth... So :huh:
I think you've missed the point.

Dongle is hilarious :P

and always has been :D

Think the ext port only works at 2400bpm, though I may be wrong - so it'd be very slow bluetooth (is BT supposed to be a standard speed? Dunno!)
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