Networking Possibilities With Gp2x ?


Still Fresh
Nov 23, 2005
Does the GP2X have network possibilities or not? It would be nice if we could create programs that can share files, or share data (multiplayer games) using WiFi (ad-hoc) or using the USB cable (usb<>usb) (Tcp/ip emulation?)

gp32_console <--- USB CABLE ---> gp32_console

Also, -if possible-, could it be also possible, (GP2X is running on Linux) to connect keyboard or mouse on this USB port? So you can use the GP2X as a webbrowser on television and using your own mouse and keyboard!

<TV> gp32_console < --- USB HUB --- > <--- 1 . USB KEYBOARD/MOUSE ---> and <---2 . USB LAN ADAPTER (for networking) --->
The USB chip used in the GP2X can only act as a client. To connect two USB devices together, one must act as a host and the other as a client. Keyboards and mice are always a client, so no go there. Same with directly connecting two GP2X units. One must be a host, but they have no host capability, so no go there either.

Take a look at this wiki page for the current thoughts on using TCP/IP over USB by connecting the GP2X to a PC and using the PC as a gateway. Theoretically, you could then connect two GP2X units via a PC gateway.
The USB chip used in the GP2X can only act as a client. To connect two USB devices together, one must act as a host and the other as a client. Keyboards and mice are always a client, so no go there. Same with directly connecting two GP2X units. One must be a host, but they have no host capability, so no go there either.

Take a look at this wiki page for the current thoughts on using TCP/IP over USB by connecting the GP2X to a PC and using the PC as a gateway. Theoretically, you could then connect two GP2X units via a PC gateway.
As far as I know the USB port is UNPOWERED and there are no host drivers YET... but adding host drivers would theoretically be possible...
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okay, USB networking not possible, (damn),
another way of "networking", (a.k.a. sharing data on-the-road)
Shair ur sd card. just save it to nad then put ur card back in and flip it over.


For multiplayer games it wouldn't be possible to share your SD card with position data in a game like quake, you should share your SD card about 25 times a second? :P

So, not really what i meant, i meant the use of some connectivity cable or wireless... SDIO WiFi cards are coming and as far as i know Linux will support it, should that be the only way (adhoc)??
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Shair ur sd card. just save it to nad then put ur card back in and flip it over.


For multiplayer games it wouldn't be possible to share your SD card with position data in a game like quake, you should share your SD card about 25 times a second? :P

So, not really what i meant, i meant the use of some connectivity cable or wireless... SDIO WiFi cards are coming and as far as i know Linux will support it, should that be the only way (adhoc)??

No. There are two UARTS in the Ext socket of the GP2x. Those are basically serial ports with speed of 115.2K bps. Not great but should be enough for a multiplayer and for a modem/mouse/keyboard connections.
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Not to flame or criticize, but it should have been posted to the GP2X forum, this part of the board is the GP32 section. Also Multiplayer has been discussed, so you might want to search first before asking next time.

Multiplayer would be cool to see happening in Duke3D or Doom. Don't know if there's enough CPU power left for quake after, but it'd be nice. I think anything less CPU intensive than Doom should be easily 2 player through SDIO or the Ext. port, provided drivers can be found/written and the speed isn't too slow.
Shair ur sd card. just save it to nad then put ur card back in and flip it over.


For multiplayer games it wouldn't be possible to share your SD card with position data in a game like quake, you should share your SD card about 25 times a second? :P

So, not really what i meant, i meant the use of some connectivity cable or wireless... SDIO WiFi cards are coming and as far as i know Linux will support it, should that be the only way (adhoc)??

I thouught u ment for like file shairing. well u could do it for turnbased games hehehe :lol:

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gah.. multiplayer on a handheld with a mini keyboard and a mini mouse would be intense.
Well with all the press it's getting, I wouldn't be suprised if it starts becoming popular over here in the U.S. ... Who knows? So company like Tiger could license it as a gadget and then it would game some popularity...