It It Ok To Take the Pandora onto an International Flight


Still Fresh
Feb 11, 2009
It It Ok To Take the Pandora onto an International Flight

Sorry if it is a stupid question but i do not want TSA or customs to get mad at me for bringing it on the plane or get it confiscated and i have read stuff about how they can search your device?

i know it should not be a problem but basically would just like to know if anyone has flown internationally with a pandora and had or not had problems with TSA or customs because of it

should be treated like a laptop or gaming device, when i flew overseas last year, i didnt have my pandora, but you have to pull every electronic device like laptop out of your bag to be checked or maybe just so it doesnt bother the xray of your bag
You got nothing to worry about, at all, I would say if you are worried at all, treat it like a Laptop but the TSA doesn't really care about it. I recently did an international flight to the US and back and they don't care, it's like a normal hand held to them.
The TSA have no real right to touch your unit, or those of kids.

Give them a quick knee to their own, steal their taser and blast your way to your allocated seat. From there on in, use the Pandora as a pretend, bomb belt pipboy type device (use minimenu), to scare everyone into believing that Nintendo have released yet another handheld, that 'they' the public, haven't had time to even re-coup their free games offer on from the the last one (yet at least they didn't have to wear it (like a red bandanna) to get sick in-flight).

Then, use Pandora to hack into the cockpit controls, override the anti-hijack code over the Picocell satt wi-fi (1234 via BT should do) and emulate the Boeing auto-pilot with PandElite, in which you can spiral dive into the space-stations at extreme velocity, with un-required missile defense systems and still crash the financial system of trading you were reliant upon. As you were hoping to ditch those computers anyway, to clear up some debt, grab some booze and slaves and go and build up some other poor agricultural dictatorship into a democracy, whilst mining some minerals, narcotics and fur lining your pockets in the process right?. Nah...I've confused a few issues here. We're talking pure illegal alien technology and reptilians from the Planet Balmoral surely? Whilst you just wanted to go on a holiday somewhere, minding your own business but soaking up some culture from someplace else for a change (clearly a covert terrorist surveillance mission, so give'em life for pre-crime, on better health perks than he can normally afford insurance for).

Anyways, its fine to travel with a Pandora. Infact always make sure you know where it is. Panic if you don't. Plus its great fun watching customs folk ask you if your bags have a computer, and after they've dealt with that negative, you then show them Pandora from any given pocket and explain its a full desktop PC, plus a console (though feck right off about ROMs Rights of Paul vs Robbing Peters) and needs equal care to laptops to flourish the goods and they're like WTF is that? Or "Oooh La La, tres bon, ca fa combien?"

Thats the Eurogen for you though, whilst your on about the fatherland stazi. I reckon Pandora will fly but please list here any that dont, or just mention it on facebook and we'll take care of the rest.
Just returned from a trip to the US last week. TSA doesn't care about your Pandora at all. You don't even need to put it in a bin of its own like you have to with a laptop. During the flight you can use it like any other gaming device (i.e. not during landing or take off but otherwise it's fine).

I can highly recommend bringing your Pandora along with you. It is an absolute great way to keep you occupied during long flights. I had a total travel time of about 20 hours during which my Pandora was either in use or in low power mode. I didn't have to recharge once :D
I remember when the macbook air came out there were problems with it. But I doubt there would be problems with a pandora.
Such a bizarre question. I have been on SO MANY flights with this thing. At least six international flights, plus a bunch of domestics.
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Recently travaled from US to bahamas with my pandora just fine, i had it in the pandora case inside my backpack and just threw that into the plastic bin, no questions asked :P . They probably just thought it was some gameboy. Or. Something.
I've recently returned from Chile and the worst that can happen is that you need to put your Pandora through the scanner in a separate tray.

It's perfectly fine to use Pandora on the flight too, just turn off wifi and bluetooth.

Also Pandora is an awesome travel companion!
Taken mine on about 4 flights and nothing was said about it. Just placed it in the tray that gets scanned with my laptop, wallet, headphones, etc

They didn't think twice about it
Just got back from flying domestic without even a second glance from security at the thing. I've flown international though, and I imagine flight security wouldn't be terribly different. I mean the Pandora's got computer parts, not something crazy like a plutonium core.

The best part about flying with Pandora? The mobile form factor meant I could stow it in the soft case on my belt like people do with cell phones, so I get more space in my carry-on luggage. :)
You are going to love traveling with your Pandora. I just returned from two weeks and too many airplane rides. The battery life shines when you travel alot with your panda. Thursday I watched 2 movies, listened to tons of music and played Elite and several other games without any troubles.

Just pull the panda out at security and let it go through the Xray machine. No worries.

Have a great trip.
then again, if you like a bit of a stirup, duct tape it to two bottles containing a clear liquid, then sit down and enjoy the fun (from a holding cell probably ; )
Don't forget to wear your trusty turban! You may want to do some serious tanning, too, before you leave.
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Took it to my flight to US, its sitting right next to me, noone really cared.

As has been said before, it's treated like a Laptop / Cellphone, all you have to do is pull it out and show it to security when you are boarding your flight. :D