Is this accurate? €13???


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2012
Is this accurate?

Screen Shot 2013-10-07 at 12.26.50 PM.png
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ED resets it when he actually used the money for sending out new pandoras
Woha, that's great. Thanks guys! 

Oh and ED, could you please reset the counter? I mean it was full for days (weeks even?!) and now it's full again. I know you're busy and everything but this is ridiculous. Try to pay a bit more attention.  :p
And i thought it hadnt updated. <3 Exo

Edit: Not to forget sebt3 and anyone else donating. I hope people who receive are notified somehow about the goodwill of such people.
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So THATs where the money came from. Android sales.

Good on you, Exo
You could sort of say that, although I'm not making any purchases that I'd feel would be financially irresponsible had I not had any income from DraStic (so in other words I'm not really spending or relying on that money)

But I do feel like I owe the Pandora community some thanks for the money earned from that, due to all the help testing and stuff that I got from here.
That €13 donation I made looks pretty pale compared to Exophase's donation. Very Generous indeed..