Is there SOME way to overclock without frying LCD?


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
People have said too much voltage will fry the LCD.... but what if you could somehow re-wire a set voltage path for the LCD or add some kind of resistor so only a set voltage powers it? Then in theory, you could overclock the CPU beyond it's factory limits (and if someone could put a lil heatsink on the CPU and remount the LCD all the better, most of the space in the case is taken up by the beefy LCD screen and it's mount anyways) sounds like a lot of unnecessary effort, but overclocking a GP32 to say....... 160 MHZ or 150 would unlock needed spare power for emulation and such (untill it's optimized heavily to run at 133 MHZ or so) plus it'd run fairly safely with a lil sawed off heatsink (flat but effective) and arctic silver... Or since it's just a 20-30 MHZ OC it may be FAIRLY safe on it's own... But some sort of megaflat heatsink would be effective insurance.
I think that you fail to realize that a heatsink is not a magical wand that can be put on any processor. If you overclock a processor too high, you will fry the chip itself regardless of how efficient your heatsink is. As for putting one in the GP32, unless you're willing to drill holes and cut up the protoboard, I'd say it's virtually impossible to do something like this. And just an additional 20-30 Mhz will NOT unlock new emulation possibilities, it will only slightly increase the speed of the GP32, it's not like putting a turbocharge in a car.
I'm sure in time gamepark will put a 200mhz cpu in anyway, maybe if they decide to remake the original clam shell design.

20-30 spare MHZ is valuable to programmers (every little bit counts) heck, 133 MHZ is a world better than 100 alone and programmers can utilize every tiny bit of power they can...

And this is gamepark we're talking about, the same people who thought it would be good marketing to cancel the deal with capcom/not bring GP32 to europe while nintendo is hurting.