Is There A Snes Emulator For The Gp2x/xgp?


Still Fresh
Aug 9, 2005
I have a GP32 and i want to know if its worth upgrading to the XGP/GP2X so i can play games on my TV. But i need to play SNES games too!
The problem with the GP32 versions was the speed was so slow, did they get that fixed on the GP2X/XGP and did they fix the sound?

Whats the difference between an XGP and a GP2X?
Cristallis posted on Dec 1 2006 at 04:20 AM said:
Whats the difference between an XGP and a GP2X?

One exists, the other doesn't.
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Claym99 posted on Dec 1 2006 at 12:13 AM said:
wow TelcoLou, I thought that if anyone would flame him it would be you.

... I was too busy waiting for the gpsp emu :P
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You know the GBA is somewhat similar to the SNES. I wonder if someone could buy Exophase's time. ;P