Is Segasonic The Hedghog Emulatable?

Classic Team

Jun 22, 2007
Oregon, US
Hi, I was just thinking... I've been playing this bit - by bit on my PC. It's really cool, but is hard to work with A Keyboard. I think it would be funner if it was working on the GP2X, or the Pandora, but I need your help to make the game work. It is A System 32 game, and it does operate on A trackball, but this didint stop developers from making it work the first time. Can it be done agian though Mame or something in the future for the GP2X or Pandora? Discuss here.

By the way, here is more info on the game:

P.S. Oh, and atomicThumbs, please don't post just A "NO", give me A reason or your post is pointless to me. :P
NO, at least for GP2X. Somewhat unlikely for Pandora too. Just look what hardware it runs on, that V60 is similar to 386 in terms of performance. The only code we could use is from quite late version of MAME, and we all know performance is not the main goal for that emulator.
...Right...Okay, I sorda see that. But how about the pandora? The specs may be higher on it but like you said, MAME's goal is not to emulate fast..just to emulate as much as it can. Maybe this could be runable on the pandora? (of cource, not full speed, anyhow...)
Hmm, that's a very complicated arcade board. It actually uses the same 32-bit CPU as the Model 1 board and has a complex sound system also (not to mention the graphics hardware). I don't think we even have full support of lesser Sega arcade boards yet. It's got some cool games for it though and it wold look great on the GP2X screen. Depends on what the PC requirements are for it to run on Pandora.

32x looks more powerful though. It's probably difficult because not much work has been done to emulate it effeciently. It would probably have to be rewritten with speed in mind.