Is OPKG crippled beyond use?!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009

Since the day I received the pandora I have been UNABLE to install anything via opkg, even if I have the .ipa.

This is not right.

How can this be fixed?

I'm trying to installed parted.ipa.


* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package parted.ipa

Also, why are there no angstrom repos in the repoistory lists?

I can't just depend on the software OPT is allowing to be installed by default.

I am trying to use this Pandora as a replacement for my Linux PC/Laptop/VM.

I am in the process of working with Raspberry Pi, but needs "Parted".

I have other needs.

Can someone help.
There is gparted on the repo.

Also, yes, the angstrom repository is not good to use as it was forked and not every new package will work with our version.

Did you do opkg update before trying to install it?

If you want to change something about the situation, help aTc with .next developement or use another distro like slackware.
Well, opkg packages are ipk not ipa, but what other error did it give you?

As mcobit mentioned, aTc is working on .next development which will allow to use the normal repositories, but it's a heck of a work and he seriously could need all the help he gets.

However, if what is available for the Pandora in PND form is not enough for you, the best thing to do is install an OS on SD Card.

Slackware and ArchArm are running very well (Slackware is the most advanced distro on the Pandora).

You could also try to use .next, but I wouldn't suggest it for production use.

And as a mix inbetween you could use PanDebian, to have Debian programs running directly in your normal OS.
ipa is the Apple Fairplay extension. You've probably been trying to install the wrong files.

Otherwise, as mentioned, you need to do an "opkg update" in order to get the package archives. They take up 30MB of precious NAND space, hence why they aren't included by default.

Unless you are on at least SZ 1.52 do NOT do "opkg upgrade". Older firmwares, a full upgrade would break the OS and you'd have to reinstall. As of 1.52, the Pandora has its own repository so things don't get broken and it's easier to keep things up to date.
Not IPA. Typo. IPK.

I grabbed a file from the repo (armv7a), its the correct file.

I'm using some scripts for SD card modification which uses 'parted' grather than Gparted. I use Gparted daily.

It's just a PITA that I can not grab a program I need and install it.

OPKG update was completed. The only error that happened was:

* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package parted.ipk

I'm not worried about the opkg install (from REPO), what annoyed me was that I could not install a file I had.

I understand the REPO issue, fully.

Just the installation of .IPK files needs to be allowed.

I dont see why It would be locked/blocked (if it is).
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That's weird. I've installed ipk files directly before with no problem. Try with the "-V 4" argument for full verbosity.
I found a pretty good resource on how to manually install through OPKG. I successfully installed VLC player using this method.

I still consider the advice of others to be very good though when they say there could be dangers installing directly from Angstrom.

Good luck!