Is Mu Gp2x Dead???? Please


Still Fresh
Feb 7, 2006
Hello sorry for my english, i tried to change my skin, then the screen turn black color for many time , the battery crash . then i tried to start the gp2x , the first gp2x´s screen was good the second green too but the menu was black .i tried to remplace the upgrade but is imposible. can any body to help me thanks very much
Your batteries died during the Skin update? Hmmm, you could try installing the default skin, then try to 'feel' around the menu until you get to the 'imgall.gpu', then launch the program ... hope you work it out man.

And make sure you use FRESH batteries ... I don't think you bricked your GP2X, since you can see both boot menus.
yup, as TelcoLou said, he doesent think you've bricked it, as you can see the boot up screens, im sure it will be ok, if you get some decent 2500-2800 mAh rechargables, and reinstall the default skin?

lol sorry - TelcoLou already said that :P