Is microsoft moble , a viable operating system for the Pandora??


Still Fresh
Nov 11, 2010
Is Microsoft windows mobile a viable operating system for the Pandora??

Someone told me anything windows is totally out of the question when it comes to Lady Pandora , but i gotta ask
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I'd hold off and see if Microsoft can sell more than the 300 units that they did last time they tried in the mobile market. If windows mobile isn't mega popular then there is no reason to even install it, might as well stick with the default. If you want something more popular you should be considering Android.

Besides that I think Microsoft only sells windows mobile to phone makers, it has to be tailored to the device I'm sure, it isn't open source like Android so so a community like this couldn't port it. So, it might be impossible.
Closed source is really the only thing stopping it. I took the leap and got myself a Sammy focus and i quite like it. Again, its like putting droid on the Pandora. And no, this really doesn't need to become one of those super long os war threads.
Actually its seems like the only way I can use my library software on my Pandora.When do I get one that is.So I would be nice if someone could confer the possibilities to my lesser knowledge base.
Actually its seems like the only way I can use my library software on my Pandora.When do I get one that is.So I would be nice if someone could confer the possibilities to my lesser knowledge base.
The probability that pandora run Windows Mobile is very close to 0. I have read that I could be doable to bring WinCE, but I dont know how this magic can be made, so I won't hold my breath on that...

List your need, we'll find remplacement software, one way or an other.
Is Microsoft windows mobile a viable operating system for the Pandora??

Someone told me anything windows is totally out of the question when it comes to Lady Pandora , but i gotta ask
When people say "Windows" around here, they're generally talking about desktop Windows. Desktop Windows is completely different from Windows Mobile and WinCE. There is no chance of running Windows (desktop) on the Pandora due to differences in CPU. There is some chance that Windows (mobile) could run on the Pandora hardware.

However, as mentioned, Windows Mobile and Windows Desktop are two completely different things. If you were hoping to be able to run the software you're familiar with on your desktop directly on the Pandora you would be out of luck: programs for Windows desktop would need to be recompiled for Windows mobile just as programs for Linux x86 would have to be recompiled for Linux ARM.
Another factor to consider: even if you can find some enterprising XDA hacker to get it mostly working, there is no way it will be legal. Microsoft don't licence WM to end users.

You would also kind of be lobotomising the "Ultra Mobile Personal Computer" aspect of the Pandora too. Sure, it will still be a mobile device - but it won't be a real PC anymore! Same is true of Android.
I've got a lot of Windows Mobile applications that would benefit from it being on Pandora, even asked this question last year, and the answer then was "it could work, but why?"

Honestly, I'm not sure it would be of much use, since it seems like a lot of the applications I use already have similar-working apps on Pandora already. There are some that'd be nice to have, but there are very few. So few that I think I could live without them.

Would be cool to see tho. I'd install it. :)
programs for Windows desktop would need to be recompiled for Windows mobile just as programs for Linux x86 would have to be recompiled for Linux ARM.

Windows mobile run on a variety of different hardware, let's say mips processor, x86 and so one, you would need to recompile applications for the right target... and it's actually a bit worst than recompiling only when targetting a different architecture...

when you build a platform image for your target you build at the same time your target SDK. most of the SDK is composed of standard windows mobile headers/lib. you can however add specific functionality and interface for your target, that basically means, that you have to compile your application toward exactly the right SDK if you want to be sure it will work... there is to my knowledge no way to be sure that an application built for a cortex A8 phone will work with a different model of cortex A8 phone...

edit: as for the possibility, there's the TI evm bsp, there's a beagleboard "adaptation" of the TI evm BSP. and there's also some third party OMAP3 device bsp accessible, I really see no reason why you could not build a windows CE for your pandora. I've even build an image using one of those bsp for an OMAP3 device. licensing on the otherpart is a bit more problematic, unlike what some people seems to think you don't need to be a multinational company building millions of phones, you can buy license at the unit, the problem is that the license provider needs to "evaluate" your platform to know if you are required the 5$ or the 15$ license depending on what your plateform contain, and I doubt a company will do that work for a single unit for a few dozen its possible through.
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^ I found this to be true with my old Windows mobile phone.. even if it said it was the ARM version it didn't necessarily worked. Or I download a version compiled for a different device itr rubs but the controls don't work correctly... I found Windows Mobile in general hard to get software with.
Windows 8 will support ARM architecture, they had to do this because ARM is so popular and they are losing the market dominance especially in the portable arena. Of course it'll probably be at least more than a year from now until 8 is released and we would had moved onto more powerful devices required to run it.

I have an HTC TouchPro2 phone that run Windows Mobile 6.5, I can say it's pretty boring. Why would I want WinMo when its much more exciting running a more open OS like Debian or Ubuntu on the Pandora. Android or Meego is more probable, the N900 spec is quite similar too the Pandora actually.
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hmmm...... windows = viruses. users will have to get anti-virus on their phone now :P (or maybe not idk)