Uh, it's a few weeks old, I don't know when threads 'die' on this forum sorry, but..
Since you asked...
...and I'll try keep it clean as is possible:
The iPad in my opinion, just another chip off the old block of crap that is Apple Computer Ltd. More 'consumer market' crap, gimmicky crap to impress old/young/simple people. Really, it's CRAP. I really just don't get why anybody would waste their money on such crap. Tbh I hope the pandora doesn't get huge media attention because i don't WANT a whole lot a sad luser nerds going 'Omg pandora'...What I do want is for it to stay the console that was DIFFERENT. That's why I want a pandora. Because it's not the lame overdone crap that everyone ELSE is using. I do however want the OP team to make a profit and get rich so us people who give a crap and aren't just sad lusers can enjoy a pandora 2 (and so they can enjoy a peaceful life, yeah...)

I could whine MUCH longer, but i'll hold my tongue. Uh...Pandora ftw? :rolleyes:

I'm typing this from Kubuntu 10.04 64bit w/ lubuntu-desktop, in case you want to know from which community on the intertubes i'm from. I'd use Arch/Debian/Gentoo if it weren't for the Ubuntu package repos being so well maintained, and apt being so easy to use. Debian is a considerable alternative, and I trust it is a lot neater than even the Ubuntu repos, but I just don't wanna risk that it's not >.< . the other great thing about ubuntu is that there is a huge userbase and the forums. while I could jump on linuxquestions.org or some other site and ask about debian, and quite promptly get an answer, since there is such a large userbase on ubuntu, I haven't ever needed to post. Of course there's things like ZynAddSubFX stalling the box but apparently using zero CPU that doesn't really come up often and that's what I fear most about Debian. And i'm going WAAAY off topic. I look forward to helping with the Pandora/aangstroem(should I forget that the letters are umlauted/have the circle thing above them?).
Oh yeah. i like the word 'crap'. Rolls off the tongue. Just like the swear that means the same thing as it. Yeah.