Ioquake3 Working


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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I came across this news posting:

This basically the same hardware we have for pandora. Well i thought i try it, can always use another quake3 engine ;-)
And its running, needs some work on controls for the pandora. But everything seems to work, videos included.

This is probably very good news to those working on that dragonball z game too.
Pickle said:
I came across this news posting:

This basically the same hardware we have for pandora. Well i thought i try it, can always use another quake3 engine ;-)
And its running, needs some work on controls for the pandora. But everything seems to work, videos included.

This is probably very good news to those working on that dragonball z game too.

Yes! Excellent news indeed! Do you have access to the team SVN? We managed to get linux builds working :) Would be great to see how well it works :)
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I saw that news on phoronix... what they are doing is pretty cool.
It's great to see there are some good project around the nokia n900. It can only be good for the Pandora, especially open source game.
Awesomeness! So, does this mean that games like OpenArena, Urban Terror, Tremulous etc. will run on the Pandora in the future?
JayFoxRox said:
How does this relate to the dev corner in any way?
... Pickle is a dev, and porting ioquake to the Pandora? <shrugs>

Anyway, I think that the N900 is one of the best things to happen to the Pandora. Most people around here look at it like an adversary. I see an ally. :)

IoQuake pries the box open quite a bit farther. There will be no shortage of quality FPS action now.
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MDave said:
Yes. Though somebody needs to add pandora specific controls for the games, and compile each games engine because they have slight differences to ioquake3.
Is this also true for the most recent versions of Smokin' Guns? They were talking about "backporting" to ioquake3. So will it run with a few data files, or will it still need to be compiled? This is probably the game I'm most looking forward to play on my Pandora. It would be awesome if it was already running before the Pandora is even done... :D
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MDave said:
Pickle said:
I came across this news posting:

This basically the same hardware we have for pandora. Well i thought i try it, can always use another quake3 engine ;-)
And its running, needs some work on controls for the pandora. But everything seems to work, videos included.

This is probably very good news to those working on that dragonball z game too.

Yes! Excellent news indeed! Do you have access to the team SVN? We managed to get linux builds working :) Would be great to see how well it works :)

I dont have access to your svn. Theres a patch that was included so it might be easy to add the changes, I think most of them are renderer related, but i have to go through it in more detail. Does your current engine add new gl features over ioquake?
I willing to help when i can.
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Pickle said:
MDave said:
Pickle said:
I came across this news posting:

This basically the same hardware we have for pandora. Well i thought i try it, can always use another quake3 engine ;-)
And its running, needs some work on controls for the pandora. But everything seems to work, videos included.

This is probably very good news to those working on that dragonball z game too.

Yes! Excellent news indeed! Do you have access to the team SVN? We managed to get linux builds working :) Would be great to see how well it works :)

I dont have access to your svn. Theres a patch that was included so it might be easy to add the changes, I think most of them are renderer related, but i have to go through it in more detail. Does your current engine add new gl features over ioquake?
I willing to help when i can.

No new gl features, just a few trap calls added, some new lighting effects (no gl code) bloom lighting (that may use gl calls) and a new model format.

Damn, I just remembered, the game code needs compiling into dynamic libraries which it isn't setup to do at the moment, only .qvm files.

May need to keep it on hold until I quickly try and sort that issue out. >_< Unless .qvm files work on ARM processors?
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OrR said:
MDave said:
Yes. Though somebody needs to add pandora specific controls for the games, and compile each games engine because they have slight differences to ioquake3.
Is this also true for the most recent versions of Smokin' Guns? They were talking about "backporting" to ioquake3. So will it run with a few data files, or will it still need to be compiled? This is probably the game I'm most looking forward to play on my Pandora. It would be awesome if it was already running before the Pandora is even done... :D
He he, why not !
I'll take a look at the sources.

Btw there are few stuff to be aware about:
- ioQ3 port is based on OpenGL ES, so merging may provide some surprise !!
- SG game is at least ~300 Mo
- you won't be able to play online with game as .so... and as SG bots suck, this won't be so great :P

Btw, maybe the "interpreted" QVM way may work (I mean with "+set vm_game 1 +set vm_cgame 1 +set vm_ui 1" on the command line), but performances will have to be checked ;)
Anyway, if anyone wants to do an OpenPandora gift, I'll promess to work on that support :P
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I've played this on my N900 and it looks great and moves very smoothly. The control scheme is that you use the accelerometer to move and the touchscreen to aim and then press a key to fire, which is awkward but fun for five minutes and then you start wanting to play it on Pandora with proper controls!
I've played this on my N900 and it looks great and moves very smoothly. The control scheme is that you use the accelerometer to move and the touchscreen to aim and then press a key to fire, which is awkward but fun for five minutes and then you start wanting to play it on Pandora with proper controls!