I have been planning to place some circuits inside the pandora, and am currently in the process of designing PCBs for them... however it would be extremely useful to have some information on what voltages are available inside the pandora (from test points/other pads) and how much spare current can be drawn from each - if you would be so kind! Specifically I need to use 3.3V, 1.8V and 5V, and need to figure out if these are already present or if I have to include regulators or buck-boost converters, and also if they are present whether they provide enough current for my application.
Also, while I'm here, are there any spare pins on the EXT connector that I can use to route signals to the outside world without making holes in the case? And can we have the LCD cable pin out and connector part no, if not now then at some later point?
Also, while I'm here, are there any spare pins on the EXT connector that I can use to route signals to the outside world without making holes in the case? And can we have the LCD cable pin out and connector part no, if not now then at some later point?
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