I have found yesterday intereting stuff on the GP32 hardware part numbers and especially the concerned EXT port pinout :
Here the information I found (copied from a site):
CPU: ARM920T Core (Samsung S3C2400X01), running at up to 99MHz
Display: 3.5" Reflective TFT, 320x240, 256 or 65536 colors
(index 239 (255,102,255) is default color key for transparency)
Storage: SMC (Smart Media Card), probably any available size supported
Memory: 8MB SDRAM (HY57V641620HGT-H)
512KB flash memory (AT49BV040-90VC) for firmware
serial EEPROM (SO24LBOX91-BCB0)
Connections: - USB connector (1795A-042)
- EXT connector (3050-18R-0.5HTBD) : UART, JTAG & I2C
Pins: 1=3.3v 10=TXD0/GPF2
2=nRESET 11=IIC-bus[SCL]
3=nTRST 12=IIC-bus[SDA]
8=AIN0 17=NoConnection(?)
9=RXD0/GPF0 18=Ground
Refer to the CPU data sheet for more info on these signals.
- Headphone Jack (TSH-3675(AJ332))
Sound: 8 or 16Bit PCM Stereo DAC (Phillips TDA1330)
Power: - 2 AA Batteries (said to last ~12 Hours)
- DC Power-Jack (TSH-3675(AJ238S-SMT)), 3.3v "reversed" polarity
Controls: 8-Way directional pad (joystick) + A,B,L,R,Start,Select buttons
A=GPB14[pin19] B=GPB13[pin18]
Start=EINT6/GPE6[pin125] Select=EINT7/GPE7[pin126]
L=GPB12[pin17] R=GPB15[pin20]
Up=GPB11[pin16] Down=GPB9[pin14]
Left=GPB8[pin13] Right=GPB10[pin15]
When read, the values will be 0 when pressed & 1 when released.
It seems that using some samsung mobile phone connectors are compatible with the EXT port (SAMSUNG R200/R210)
By the way, does anyone got the datasheet or link for the S3C2400X01 microcontroller ? because it is not available on the manufacturer s site; the new release proc is S3C2410,
I dont know the upgrades between the both version;
I would like to do some audio sampling through AIN0 pin and require programming the A/DC controller;
I just wonder if it is easily possible to interface an external DSP/FPGA system audio sampling/processing (GP32 already got half the system : micro proc, storage, control pads&buttons, LCD screen, audio out ; there are only 1 audio input +sampling and the processing processor missing) in order to design custom audio effects for guitar for example or an industrial FPGA system;