Interesting Device That I Found


Dec 26, 2005

This looks kind of cool. It will connect to a composite video output from your DVD/TV tuner/VCR/cable box/whatever, and record to an SD card (also does other card, but we don't care about those!). You can even set up timers. This would basically act as a substitute TIVO or DVR, and then you could watch your shows on the GP2X. It says it can record up to 7 hours of programming on a 2 GB card, I don't know what the quality would be but probably still watchable on our little screens.

I would seriously consider buying this if I didn't already have Dish DVR.
i think the sandisk one will have better resolution says (640x480) which is double the gp2x (should look sexy) and also its in a playable/convertable format (not sure what the tiger thing uses)

nice find :P
I've never seen that Tiger thing, it looks interesting.... I guess we will have to wait and see what format it outputs to, and what the quality is. I like the fact that the Sandisk lets you choose your device (smartphone, PSP, etc) and adjusts the quality accordingly. I also like that it can schedule timers for your recordings. The Tiger device looks like a novelty, the Sandisk an actual useful budget Tivo substitute.
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I'm sure the sandisk device outputs to useful formats that you could actually play on the GP2X.

Looking at the formats outputted section of the page, I don't think it does. It's outputting as mpeg4, but the resulting files are .mp4 ones (or .3gg or .3gs or somesuch, but those definitely won't work), which from memory don't work (or not without conversion, at least) on the 2x. Not going to do a search, and of course, it may have been changed after some firmware updating, but I remember some threads which mentioned mp4 incompatibility by default...
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I'm sure the sandisk device outputs to useful formats that you could actually play on the GP2X.

Looking at the formats outputted section of the page, I don't think it does. It's outputting as mpeg4, but the resulting files are .mp4 ones (or .3gg or .3gs or somesuch, but those definitely won't work), which from memory don't work (or not without conversion, at least) on the 2x. Not going to do a search, and of course, it may have been changed after some firmware updating, but I remember some threads which mentioned mp4 incompatibility by default...
No, you're right. If the GP2X doesn't support MP4 then it won't play, but it is a "real" format that could be converted to DIVX or similar.

That Tiger PMP uses some proprietary format. When you install the software that comes on the CD it lets you connect up to two of those things, records their serial numbers and only lets you move media around on those two devices ONLY. It actually has a good Conexant video decoder inside but I'm sure it has a slow processor that requires simple compression schemes to allow real time encoding/decoding. Plus the audio is probably 13 bit, 8-16KHz because it sounds like complete ass!

I just wouldn't want anyone to think that this thing is on par with a device that can record to MP4 at 640x480 because you would be very, very disappointed!

Oh, and the display on that thing uses giant pixels in the delta configuration! :) If you know what that means then you understand that you need to stay about four feet away from the display to keep the image viewable.
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That looks pretty similar to the Sandisk, for a bit more $$$. Hopefully that is an indicator that these things will become common, therefore cheaper.

My mistake though, I though we could play these files. But at least we could grab them and re-encode them, although this adds another step, thus making it not quite as cool as I originally thought.

The quality looks pretty decent for what it is, VGA + superfine mode looks best, if you just use this for recording things to watch on mobile devices im sure you will get alot of use out of it!

Watch vidoeo clips here to get an idea what the quality will be like (it would have been nice to see some fast moving action scenes to get a real idea)
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if one of these directly outputs .avi in divx or xvid format I would definitely want one.

still I would really want something like this so I can put an old show called Invasion America in digital form. Right now I only have it on vhs.

You beat me to that. Im watching this little guy eagerly. I hope the final version lives up to its potential.

yeah that osd looks like a really cool companion to the gp2x especially being open source. plus it seems that it actually will output avi unlike the others. I'm not 100% sure but it seems like it can do that and if not that it probably will in the future because it seems like a nice open hackable device that though more expensive than the others is still less than tivo and no monthly fees plus if it can do avi you can basically have stuff go straight from tv to your gp2x without any extra encoding.
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