Interested In Being A Game Programmer...

Your spelling and grammar make me want to throw myself into traffic, but your artwork makes up for it. Hope you're able to find a programmer to bring your idea to fruition.
jwurmz said:
Your spelling and grammar make me want to throw myself into traffic, but your artwork makes up for it. Hope you're able to find a programmer to bring your idea to fruition.
Not everyone's a native english speaker. Think, then speak.
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Thanks Vorporeal.
Im actually French Canadian from Montreal .
Speak spanish , english , some italian , understand german quite well.
I think i deserve i little break on my english aha.
Doing my best though , i already speak it quite well since i work in an english hospital.
But usualy im in a hurry when i write to you guys. ( At work. )
So i dont have much time to check everything out .

If it cause a problem to some of you guys im sorry.
Please be indulgent though!

On an other note:
Thanks to all the great feedback , makes me wanna do moaar.
Mr.Gonzo said:
... No feedback on the concept art and little test screen?

Stop fishing for compliments! It looks bloody amazing and you know it does. :) Seriously, I love that test screen. Hope this gets wings.
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ok... i admit a feedback whore.

Ahaha, but i have to know if the people who are gonna play this game will like it.
And you guys can only make it (the game) better with feedbacks.

but , thanks man!
Mr.Gonzo said:
Ahaha, but i have to know if the people who are gonna play this game will like it.
Well, I've got to say, I would pay retail price for this game just from seeing the concept pieces. I reeeaally want it to get finished. This is actually one of the things I'm most excited about for the pandora.
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Haha, no, I'm honestly telling you how I feel about the game. I love everything you've shown us so far.
Well i got Tratax right now who is building an tile based Editor for it :).
Maybe Tratax will do all the coding , maybe theres going to be a bigger coding team, who knows!

The important thing is: the project always bin going forward!
Looking at the pixel doubled picture and doing some mental imagery, I almost think that pixel doubling won't be enough... If that picture was put onto a Pandora screen, I almost feel that it would lose some of its pixel-art quality and even be a bit small? Not sure...

EDIT: Did an image resize that should be the same size as the Pandora's screen (for a 1440x900 resolution screen). I'll try to do one that's the right size for 1024x768, as that's a more standard resolution.

1440x900 with 15.4" (16:10) screen resize:

1024x768 with 17" (4:3) screen resize:

These might be slightly off, not sure. I measured the first one on my screen with a ruler, and it was 4.3"... If there are any other resolution/monitor size combinations you want, let me know. I'll try to make one for you.
guess we will have to wait and see... i think it will look like SMALL pixel doubling... becuse when you play NES games or snes on those handelds it still looks a bit like doubling...
just resizing the think wont be enough i think... anyway... we will see.
Things like this game are why I love the open source community. When this comes out I will get it immedeately, whether it's paid or not--infact; I'll donate money anyway if it's free.
Nice. Are you planning on doing any full blown animation sequences (which I understand takes a lot of time and work) or just in game engine sprite animations? You mentioned the story telling before so I just assumed there would be some form of animated cut-scene.
There will be some :).
Same style as the concept drawing i made of Matador and Nail!
Theres not going to be Alot of Frame by frame animation.
More like Anime... Slideshows with moving mouths and all.
Or Slideshows of other looping little animations.
Sure you might see some sweet frame by frame. But those are really time consuming. maybe ill make a crazy intro. and a crazy outro... But thats about it. ahaha.
Just doing the animations for all the characters i have in mind , its gonna take lotsa time.
And just one drawing like the one of Nail and matador is really long to do.
Anyway dont worry , it will blow your mind away!
Ill make sure of that. :)
Loving the art work. Games like this are the reason why the Pandora will rock so hard IMO.
Go Mr. Gonzo, go..

cb88 said:
have you looked at the FEZ engine? ...might be something for latter on
Well if he wants to use a pre-made game engine, the SMC engine might be the better way to go as it can be used for horizontal + vertical screens, can include weather that effects gameplay, scrolling backgrounds, particle emitters, includes a built in level editor etc. etc. etc.
Basicaly he would just need to replace the graphics and change bits and bats of the code to incorporate the changed size in graphics.

Actually it could be a good way to test all the graphics until the new engine is ready to take over :)
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