Install Sakis3g or Debrand Modem??


Rainbow Liberation Instigation
Dec 11, 2010
outside looking in side looking out
Ok, so far my only option for going online with my Pandora is to get my Vodafone k3765 working.

I've downloaded

Is this the right version for the Pandora?

The instructions for installing it are:

wget ""

echo "6c88a9961ba8861f2f668c178c02403f sakis3g.gz" | md5sum -c

gunzip sakis3g.gz

chmod +x sakis3g

./sakis3g --interactive

Huh? Do I type this in the terminal? where do I copy sakis.gz to?

I don't understand all this Linux stuff, but to me those 'instructions' look like they want to download a file - excuse me, but my Pandora can't connect - that's why I'm installing this in the first place! <_<

And gunzip? Last I looked I wasn't able to unzip anything with my Pandora... yet.

I've already unzipped sakis.gz on my laptop and put the file on an SD card.

Am I not supposed to just put the file somewhere and type:

chmod +x sakis3g

./sakis3g --interactive

in the Terminal?

I would greatly appreciate some help with this. If I can't get this working, the next thing I'm going to try is what they suggest here:

I need a Linux mentor! :blink: :unsure:

P.s. I also found this: (but am still confused)

Debian GNU/Linux

apt-get install ppp

cd /usr/bin

wget ''

echo "dda70fd95fb952dbb979af88790d3f6e sakis3g.gz" | md5sum -c

You should see: sakis3g.gz: OK

gunzip sakis3g.gz

chmod +x sakis3g


sudo bash

apt-get install ppp

cd /usr/bin

wget ''

echo "dda70fd95fb952dbb979af88790d3f6e sakis3g.gz" | md5sum -c

You should see: sakis3g.gz: OK

gunzip sakis3g.gz

chmod +x sakis3g


zypper install ppp

cd /usr/bin

wget ''

echo "dda70fd95fb952dbb979af88790d3f6e sakis3g.gz" | md5sum -c

You should see: sakis3g.gz: OK

gunzip sakis3g.gz

chmod +x sakis3g


urpmi ppp

cd /usr/bin

wget ''

echo "dda70fd95fb952dbb979af88790d3f6e sakis3g.gz" | md5sum -c

You should see: sakis3g.gz: OK

gunzip sakis3g.gz

chmod +x sakis3g


pacman -S ppp

cd /usr/bin

wget ''

echo "dda70fd95fb952dbb979af88790d3f6e sakis3g.gz" | md5sum -c

You should see: sakis3g.gz: OK

gunzip sakis3g.gz

chmod +x sakis3g

Note: See also downloads section.

Verifying installation

To both verify integrity of downloaded script and existence of all necessary tools, try invoking it with the status argument:

$ sakis3g status

Sakis3G script attempts to locate required utilities during each start up. Should a dependency be unmet, you will be presented something like this:

$ sakis3g status

Unable to locate dependency "expr". Script will now abort.


You then need to search within your distribution's packages to locate the one that provides missing utility.

If output matches the one below:

$ sakis3g status

Not connected.


you are then set.

Note: If your modem needs to be mode switched before being usable, depending on your architect, you may need to recompile Sakis3G script.
Ok, I know I'm only going to be a little help here. I haven't heard of Sakis3G before, and I haven't even managed to get my own Pandora online via USB 3G modem, or any kind of phone tethering. So I'm feeling your pain if nothing else.

You are on the right path in terms of which commands do what. Bearing in mind I have no idea if this is going to work on the Pandora at all, here is some generic advice:

wget ""

^ As you guessed, this is the linux terminal command for downloading the file. You will skip this and download it directly from the website via your PC.

echo "6c88a9961ba8861f2f668c178c02403f sakis3g.gz" | md5sum -c

^ This checks the integrity of the download. You can do the same check with any freeware md5 checker for Windows (google that) or you can just skip it.

gunzip sakis3g.gz

^ You should unzip it on the Pandora, but don't use this command. Use the archive utility 'Squeeze' to open it instead, and extract to SD.

chmod +x sakis3g

./sakis3g --interactive

^Once you've extracted it to SD, browse into the folder, right click to open a terminal, and run these two commands.

The short, short version of all that:

- Download the file from your PC

- Copy to SD

- Use Squeeze on the Pandora to extract it

- Run the chmod and ./sakis3g commands as described

What will happen after that, I do not know. :P

[edit] Looks like the one we need to play with is the 'all architectures' version in the green box here:

I will look into it a bit more when I'm home from work.
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Other than using sakis3g, consider this guide which worked for me well (I have a Onda MW833UP 3g usb key). The only part I had to change from what is described there is I had to add an ampersand to the end of the line in the script 999-mobilestick.rules, which for me looks

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0013", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1ee8", RUN+="/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -c /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/1ee8:0013 &"
(of course 0013 and 1ee8 are specific to my usb stick).

No problem for the rest of the guide; I can comfortably start and stop 3g connection in xfce from the network manager icon.
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