Infones Question


Still Fresh
Apr 11, 2003
Why is the emulator (infones) so slow?

I can't even play dusty diamond all star softball on it.
And I won't even get into Tecmo Super Bowl.

I understand this is just a port, but is anyone working on an all out gp32 emu for the nes?

Many emulators are slow because they are emulating hardware with software. As has been posted several times on this board, InfoNES is currently being worked on (as are most of the emulators which have been released for the GP32) to improve speed and compatibility.

It's usually considered fairly poor manners to complain about beta software that people are working very hard on to provide to you for free.

InfoNES most certainly does NOT suck - it's just not all that advanced yet. Pocketnes uses the GBA's graphics hardware to the full extent - and because there's a lot of developers (we're talking a LOT) for the GBA, it was done not as a port, but as something specifically for GBA. With GBAdev there's a lot more developers, regardless of how good they are (often very, but there's such a number of them compared to GP32 dev'rs that it doesn't matter so much - with that number its almost certain that SOMETHING'll come out that's decent).
With GP32, there aren't as many, although they are **extremely** good. That's really the difference in the scenes that means that we get ports and they get (occasional) specifically written emus.
But there's no way, for example, the GBA could ever emulate SNES regardless of whether it was done specifically for it or ported; we will be able to. Eventually.

Having said that, NEVER insult a developer. Ever. Its very bad etiquette, firstly, since they gave up their free time to do something they decided they wanted to. Secondly, and even more importantly, if you come on and say "InfoNES sucks", you risk alienating the guy who developed it so far (regardless of how far he might have got in a future version - hypothetically) to the extent that he leaves the scene. And don't tell me that one insult won't make a difference. It will. Especially if their work is pretty good, as in InfoNES case. There's two golden rules if you're going to be hanging around developers and hope that they might continue to produce stuff.

The first is never to distribute private betas - that has killed many an amazing program (look for the Psemu story).

The second is never to insult them - that again, has done the same. Look at GPFM 1.5a (in the shell replacements bit). Download it, play an MP3, look at a text file, and maybe view a Jpeg. Its a good program isn't it? Yes? Well, it was killed by idiots spamming the author and telling him it was shit. He stopped work because he couldn't stand it. So shut up. Now.

Finally - the original question of this thread. Why does InfoNES run some games fast and others slow? Not all games use all the opcodes of a machine (well, they probably do, but certainly with different proportions). Some games use some opcodes way more than others. And since an emulator has a different routine to run every time it comes across a specific opcode, its very possible (and indeed true) that some opcodes are better optimised than others. That's speed. So far as corrupted graphics is concerned, I've no idea; its a bug in both NES emus, so it might be very easy to put in inadvertantly when porting from the windows version (where it isn't - I checked). No idea why, but to be honest - why on earth does it matter yet? I'm sure you can wait a while for a NES emu that does. Be patient. Or take up the project yourself, if you feel that strongly about it! Who knows? You could make it work properly in all aspects. And probably get your emulator told that it sucks too from time to time. Despite it being a good one. Perhaps.
First off I know very little about emulators.

Secondly, I'm sorry If I insulted anyone. I was NOT trying to be rude. I was just curious as to why they run slow.

An Answer such as "because they have to emulate both hardware and software" would have been sufficient instead of putting words into my mouth and making me sound like a bad guy. I am mapper for the Unreal community so I know what it's like to work for nothing and get constant criticism.

Again, I'm sorry, but I was not trying to offend anyone. :(
Im pretty sure he is talking to me trying to tell me stuff about the GBA I already know. I said Info Nes sucks for the gp32. Secondly why dont people release only there near perfect product, when its done?. That Infones really pierces your ears.
Rainman i think tobriand was talking to shane. shane was the one who said it sucks so i dont think he was writting the msg to u. your first post seemed like a legitamite question so i wouldnt worry about it.
Shane posted on Apr 20 2003 said:
Im pretty sure he is talking to me trying to tell me stuff about the GBA I already know. I said Info Nes sucks for the gp32. Secondly why dont people release there near perfect version. That Infones really pierces your ears.
Making any program is an on going process, and emulators are no exception. By releasing it to the public before it's perfect you gain a huge amount of free playtesters. The idea is that people provide constructive critisism about the program, so that the developer can go back and tweek it, and over time it'll get better and better. Saying "infoNES sucks for GP32" is hardly constructive, you'd be better off giving ideas on how it can be improved. That way, you're saying to the developer "you have a good basis here, this his how you can build on it" instead of the "your work is pathetic, just give up because it sucks" message you project. Anyway, if you think it's so easy to make an emulator, why not show us how it's done?

If people waited until their program was near perfect, we wouldn't be running Windows machines ;)
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Yuppers - 'twas Shane it was directed at... I really should learn to use the quote feature on the boards :P

Again - Shane - what would you prefer... no emulation for a year or two, and a dead scene by the time they come out, or access to a few betas along the way? Most people, when asked the question in conjunction with, say, the Genesis emu, say they'd love a couple of betas. Its your choice not to play the emu until a perfect one comes out if you don't want to (often the route I'm ending up taking with a few - Snes9x with many games, Infones with others, because I deserve the game needs to have justice done to it).

Apologies for being relatively extreme, earlier, btw, but I've seen many very good things down the drain because people insulted the developer for doing something because they enjoyed it (not because they had to), and the project went down as a result - the choice between being told you're crap every day and not doing something that you don't have to basically came up. And they made it.
I'm playing infones quite often (although it sucks.... brrrr, how I hate something like that!)
It emulates the system quite well, most games run, many at a playable speed, and the sound... well,
it really pierces your ears at the moment, but it's a start and sound will surely become better :)

I'm happy that infones exists :)
Shane posted on Apr 20 2003 said:
Secondly why dont people release only there near perfect product, when its done?.
I will not elaborate on what Tobriand has already said, But, Developers release their programs early for various reasons. Some because they are hounded by people saying "When is X going to be released", And "I want it now" etc, Like spoilt little children. Other release them early to get feedback, Find bugs and get the opinion of the general public.

But then i am probably telling you something you already know. :D


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Maybe we can organize a rally and get people who don't like InfoNES refunds? ;)

I didn't say anything regarding that they should release things right away. Yeah I would like the emu to go soft for awhile and then people release a huge load of good emus. Its just not right tho. Not being able to play NES but I can watch movies and such and so on. Oh and constructive critisism, Info Nes for Gp32 sucks, but your on the way, slowly, stupid music really bites the big one.
Maybe you don't know but Anders HAS STOPPED working on infoNes.

So don't say that it sucks, but work on the GPL sources to make it better.

Oh well, Some people just can not keep their opinions to themselves. Be careful what you say, Cause you never know who listening.

Well, Who or what sux now?

Bang Bang, Iv`e just blown both my legs off.

I can see where constructive criticism can help now. :D

Bye bye Infones, So long,
