Improving Emulators For The Gp2X F200 Please

  • Thread starter Thread starter RedBaron
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It is a real shame that emulator developers are pouring all there energy into the WIZ format instead of the GP2X F200 which I feel is a fare superior machine, yes the WIZ has a supposed better screen but it is only 2.8" compared to 3.5" for the GP2X F200, the WIZ display hardware has problems that has not been over come
Would a emulator developers please spend some time on improving some emulators for the GP2X F200 PLEASE
Who is pouring all their energy into Wiz? Most of the releases for Wiz either see releases for GP2X too (Temper, gpSP, Picodrive, etc) or GP2X already had good emulators for the platforms (like with the GB ones). What are you complaining about exactly?
I think most of the GP2X's emulators are about as good as they will get, people are moving on.

In any case we can't complain, dev's give us this stuff for free and make these handhelds worth owning. If a dev' wants to develop for another platform, that's his choice.

An alternative would be to learn code and DIY, the LYNX emulator could do with a performance tweak. ;0)
as everyone said, it's not like everyone left their gp2x as if they never existed. Maybe you think so because you weren't "here" when notaz released and asked for bug for picoDrive 1.56 some months ago. The thing is that there isn't much you can do more than what already can with this hardware, the gba emu won't ever run full speed, no matter how much you improve it. Same for the snes one ( the only thing that could be done is using he second cpu for the audio as PicoDrive)
Notaz said that he configured the picoDrive proyect so that he only needed to compile one binary the would work on both the wiz and the FX00 (maybe pandora too)

Note: As in any forum, asking for someone to make/do something you want won't get you anything. But just in case someone is bored and looking for something to do......OPTIMIZE THE PSX EMU, AND USE THE SECOND CPU FOR GRAPHICS!!!!!!!!!11111oneoneoene ^_^

PS: Notaz if you read this, please port picoDrive to x86 (Linux) as dgen is S**** compared to picoDrive and the isn't any alternative other than using Gens (with is buggy) through wine
Exophase said:
laharl said:
the gba emu won't ever run full speed

Bah, I have a good mind to prove you wrong.

I would like the GBA and SNES emulator to run at full speed :P and I would not mind paying for them if they worked $$$
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laharl said:
PS: Notaz if you read this, please port picoDrive to x86 (Linux) as dgen is S**** compared to picoDrive and the isn't any alternative other than using Gens (with is buggy) through wine
There is official Kega port for all your linux/x86 emulation needs:
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Exophase said:
laharl said:
the gba emu won't ever run full speed

Bah, I have a good mind to prove you wrong.
Please prove me worng then, i'd be very happy if you can ^_^

notaz said:
laharl said:
PS: Notaz if you read this, please port picoDrive to x86 (Linux) as dgen is S**** compared to picoDrive and the isn't any alternative other than using Gens (with is buggy) through wine
There is official Kega port for all your linux/x86 emulation needs:

OH THANKS, i didn't know it had a linux port, last time i cheked it was windows only
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I think its because the programmers are getting older, starting a family. The new generation of programmers are not into retro 16bit games. Retro means 32bit to them.
i don't think so, i recently found the msx version of metal gear, that game was made before i was ever born, and still i enjoy playing it. Retro means 8Bits to me, the first console i had was a Famicon (NES), i remember playing super mario bros, bomberman, lodeRunner,Rockman 3, etc.
Games are not just graphics, they are Enjoyment. I'm at like 50% of finishing Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible II which is a gbc game, that looks worst than Final Fantasy 1 for nes. still a cool game.
May i be a new generation one? i'm 20, still learning c++ but still like those old games though
laharl said:
Games are not just graphics, they are Enjoyment.
I totally agree, I still play a lot of Spectrum ZX games on my GP2X-F200 as they were really good made games. Fairlight 2, The Great Escape, Loadrunner, Spy Hunter, etc. The list goes on...
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