WOW I'm a noob but not that new.
Yes I have tried several different downloads of the files and several different transfers over to the GP32. Also I have tried V0.6 and V1.0. And tried the Respective maps. The creator said in an old post that v0.6 maps wont work with v1.0 so I have tried many map files from several sources.
Also I have put the maps in the folders that they say to put them in.
I have also tried several different folder configurations.
The creators site seems to be down or I would ask him.
Nothing seems to work. I am new to the GP32 but I have many, many other emus runing and If I have no probl with the atari800 emu then I think im up to speed on the working the GP32.
What I want to know is there anyone with a BLU+ that has tried it. And if so does it work.
I have found about 5 old threads with people asking about the same problem and they never got answers from anyone either.
Most of the old questions were asked in multi-topic threads so they got ignored.
someone with a blu+ please try it out and let me know id you have the same problem.