I'm Still Alive :)


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
Hey guys,

just visited the site again hehe seems a lot of cool things have happend, a new gp2x comming soon i see :D

well i'm just here to say i'm still alive, although i'm currently not programming anymore for the gp2x for numerous reasons like :
- busy with other projects (mainly website related things)
- programming at work wich makes me not wanna program in my spare time anymore or at least not much :/
- social life
- etc

anyway i still have a finished gp2x game sitting on my harddisk perhaps some of u remember it, the name was ZNAX all that is missing is music the rest was finished (at least i think it was as far as i remember)
i might release it when i have some more time and the music.

also i was wondering will the current games be compatible with the new upcomming gp2x ? i think it is but i'm not sure.

hi, welcome back

i'd be happy to do some music for your game, pm me with what you have in mind and il have it done in no time :)

and yes current software should be compatible with the F-200
Hi it's me again,
i'm resuming development on znax, i got some spare time now. Most of it was finished and it seems donskeeto who originally was going to do the music, still want's to do it. (actually finish it he already had started on it way back then). So it seems i won't be needing someone to do music. Thanks for the offers though i'll remember u guys when i'm making another game :)

about thegame I don't think i'll have much work on it anymore seems like i pretty much finished it a few months ago. anyway for those still wondering what is. It was a game from nick kouvaris (http://lightforce.freestuff.gr) where u basicly have to select 4 corners of the same colors of a rectangle and if the colors match, all blocks inside it will get deleted and replaced by new ones. And of you go again. It has 2 game modes, fixed and relative timer. The fixed timer mode gives u 10 minutes to clear as many blocks as you can and to gain your highest score. With the relative Timer mode u start at 3 minutes of time left however when u clear blocks u can gain extra time.

the wip video is still on you tube here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCrpH3ioLKI

now i get back to working on it :)
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