I'm New... For A Second Time :p


It's not a me!
Oct 9, 2005
Plymouth (UK)
I was here for a few months before the launch of the GP2x, then for another couple of months after. I meant to get a GP2X, but in the end I decided to wait for a few of the hardware and firmware revisions. Also, I realised I could not possibly get the money together for a while to come. But I recently checked back, just to see how things were going with it, and frankly, I'm impressed, if not stunned :) So I'm back, and with any luck I'll be able to get a GP2X before the year is out (hopefully getting a job this summer holiday, if I can find one, and that will really help, since I have no other source of income ;))- that is, if the Wii doesn't take all my remaining money, like the DS did last time I saved for GP2X...

Anyway, basically, coming back to such a fast moving community is difficult, to say the least. It would be hard enough if I were *really* new, and knew nothing of the GP2X or the associated scene, but instead, I have a whole bunch of very outdated memories from the first version of GP2X, the firmware, and the user software- so I may have misconceptions about the current state of things, based on those memories. So if anyone would care to help update my brain, it would be much appreciated ;)

First, can anyone confirm these facts? I may have got the wrong end of the stick, either last time, or this time:

-It looks like GP2X now has a stick with a design very similar to DaveC's one? The original stick was a source of aggravation to a fair number of people, If I remember rightly...
-Apparently the screen is now a different type, but what? I can't remember what it was before, but from reading GPH site, it seems the new one is a TFT screen :huh:?

Also, just a few quick questions on the state of things:

-Do GP2X's still ship without a screen protector attached?
-Are all or most of the original firmware related gripes (diagonal lines and other strange behaviour, unreliable firmware upgrades for example) fixed in the newest firmware (2.0.0 at time of writing)? I see the "power leak" one has been fixed :)

The state of individual programs that were around then (the ones I've looked at anyway), like the SNES and PS emulators for example, is very impressive, and there are actually some games being commercially developed and sold too, something I was never quite convinced would happen :) Also, I saw that the breakout board is available now, and it looks extremely cool :)

Thanks in advance for any updates! :)

EDIT: As blind chance would have it, this is also my 300th post :\
Ferentix posted on Jul 16 2006 at 10:03 AM said:
First, can anyone confirm these facts? I may have got the wrong end of the stick, either last time, or this time:

-It looks like GP2X now has a stick with a design very similar to DaveC's one? The original stick was a source of aggravation to a fair number of people, If I remember rightly...
-Apparently the screen is now a different type, but what? I can't remember what it was before, but from reading GPH site, it seems the new one is a TFT screen :huh:?
The cap is actually a bit different in that there is a raised nub in the middle. Also they turned the actual stick 45 degrees to make the diagonal problem mostly go away.

I don't know about the technology, but it is a different screen and the LED's don't flicker, but are instead way too bright. Upside you can play outdoors, downside the colors can be washed out.
Also, just a few quick questions on the state of things:

-Do GP2X's still ship without a screen protector attached?
-Are all or most of the original firmware related gripes (diagonal lines and other strange behaviour, unreliable firmware upgrades for example) fixed in the newest firmware (2.0.0 at time of writing)? I see the "power leak" one has been fixed :)
Nope, My MK2 had one pre-installed, I haven't looked very hard but it seems to not get dust under the screen aither :).

Firmware 2.0 fixed just about everything, and no auto-bricking because you need to hold start+select when you want to flash.

The best part is the USB support, I have had a mouse, keyboard, and 3 USB flash devices, a Creative MuVo, a Kingston Datatraveler, and a SD reader all connected at once. Also my 80GB external WD USB drive :D.
. . . Also, I saw that the breakout board is available now, and it looks extremely cool :)
I don't agree here, the commercial one is designed badly. I would wait for techfreak to make his one, or the guy making a replacement back with battery configuration options, USB hub, TV-Out and a keyboard/trackball option.

The main problem is that the official one is $50 and then another $25 for a second official PSU (why for god's sakes, USB is 5 volts, not 12volts !!), it has the parallel and serial built in and is far too bulky.

I am waiting until there is a simple EXT to USB cable with TV-Out (it would look like the TV-Out cable and just have a USB on a cord as well). This is entirely possible and you can just add your own USB hub and/or power supply for stuff drawing more than 100ma (HDDs and WiFi sticks for example, Memory Sticks, controllers, and mouse/keyboard should be OK on 100ma.)

I just made my own USB adaptor, it is a kind of an ugly hack, but I don't heve many resources (certaintly not $75 for the Serial and JTAG that I would never use on the official BOB and it is far too bulky to even think of moving around with you).
Thanks in advance for any updates! :)
NP, and if you want to buy one sooner, get it from Play-Asia.com, their prices are the best and their service is the fastest too.

$169 for the GP2X
$9.90 for the TV-Out
$25 for 1-4 day UPS courier service.

$205 total. (you can choose cheaper shipping, or leave out the TV cable)

I ordered Teusday and received Thursday, From Hong KONG!!

As far as memory goes, I only buy Newegg.com now, They are always cheaper than eBay, always.

$40.99 for a 2GB A-Data 150x "Turbo" card, and $4.99 shipping :D ( I have Tekken 3, Ridge Racer, SNES Roms, Genesis roms, Qtopia, X11, GPE, a few hundred megs of mp3s and movies and I am still not full yet :).)
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The best part is the USB support, I have had a mouse, keyboard, and 3 USB flash devices, a Creative MuVo, a Kingston Datatraveler, and a SD reader all connected at once. Also my 80GB external WD USB drive biggrin.gif.

Wait, how?! I thought the USB connector was slave only or something? Anyway, that would be damned good :) That was my major reason for wanting to get a breakout board- the USB ports (attach keyboard, external storage etc). If it can be done by the GP2X itself now, then that's not a concern. If I understood you correctly, that is ;)

Can't use Newegg, because they don't ship outside the US. I'll look into Play-Asia though, thanks! :) They certainly seem cheaper. Are they trustworthy/reliable?

Couple more questions strike me now XD

-What's the TV-Adapter like? I recall earlier versions having some troubles?
-Is there a mains adapter for the three pin sockets found in the UK? The one on Play-Asia is the two pin US type. I assume there is, but I need to work out how I can get one (short of buying the US one and a 3-pin to 2-pin adapter...)

Thanks nubie :)
Ferentix posted on Jul 16 2006 at 05:59 PM said:
The best part is the USB support, I have had a mouse, keyboard, and 3 USB flash devices, a Creative MuVo, a Kingston Datatraveler, and a SD reader all connected at once. Also my 80GB external WD USB drive biggrin.gif.
Wait, how?! I thought the USB connector was slave only or something? Anyway, that would be damned good :) That was my major reason for wanting to get a breakout board- the USB ports (attach keyboard, external storage etc). If it can be done by the GP2X itself now, then that's not a concern. If I understood you correctly, that is ;)
From what I understand, he made his own type of break-out-box to attach all of those things to. As far as I know, the built-in USB is still slave.

Ferentix posted on Jul 16 2006 at 05:59 PM said:
Can't use Newegg, because they don't ship outside the US. I'll look into Play-Asia though, thanks! :) They certainly seem cheaper. Are they trustworthy/reliable?
Definitely. I've gotten many things from them and never had any trouble.
Ferentix posted on Jul 16 2006 at 05:59 PM said:
-What's the TV-Adapter like? I recall earlier versions having some troubles?
-Is there a mains adapter for the three pin sockets found in the UK? The one on Play-Asia is the two pin US type. I assume there is, but I need to work out how I can get one (short of buying the US one and a 3-pin to 2-pin adapter...)
I still don't have a TV-Adapter so I can't comment on the first one (I am waiting to buy/build a break-out-box)

I would assume that you can get a 3-pin power adapter from www.gp2x.co.uk , but they say that they are currently out of stock...
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Ferentix posted on Jul 16 2006 at 06:59 PM said:
-What's the TV-Adapter like? I recall earlier versions having some troubles?
-Is there a mains adapter for the three pin sockets found in the UK? The one on Play-Asia is the two pin US type. I assume there is, but I need to work out how I can get one (short of buying the US one and a 3-pin to 2-pin adapter...)
- TV-Adaptor is fine, no problems here (PAL, UK).
- You can get a universal one with a plug that fits from Maplin.
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I also haven't visited this site for quite a while. Been busy with a school project :) . I haven't been following the development of the breakoutbox, but I was aware there was going to be an official one. Too bad it isn't that good, $ 75 is quite expensive though. Anyhow for now, I'm mostly interested in playing classic games on my TV. That's why I finally ordered some connectors and cables so I can connect the gp2x to my TV. Gonna kill some time during the summer.
Ah, OK, thanks for all the help, guys :) I saw the Break Out Box/cradle in the "project B.O.B" thread(I guess that's the one you meant by

...a replacement back with battery configuration options, USB hub, TV-Out and a keyboard/trackball option.

and it looks pretty nice, though I might not need such a fully featured one. Where can I find info on Techfreak's?

Anyway, thanks again :)
Cheers, I remember you from last time I think :) You had this elvish dude as your avatar I think. I take it you got your GP2X in the end then? ;)

Like the new avatar :D

Damn, I haven't found a job- yet... thankfully, there are several pubs and various small shops very near where I live, so I haven't given up hope of getting a GP2X/Wii fund going just yet ;). If all else fails, I'll peddle my YAK T-Shirts :P (And I'll probably try to do that anyway)

Anyway, thanks for all the info, everyone :) Now I'll start trying to catch up to the latest ports, emulators and homebrew. the PSX emulator looks to have come a long way, and I see there's now a Doom-Boom port, which is really cool :) Vektar looks nice too, as does payback- and it's nice to see that the GP2X is capable of fairly nice software rendered 3D graphics.