I'll just leave this right here


Glowing ember
Apr 15, 2011
Handheld game console and computer combined. This device is extremely refined.

No restrictions, so you are free.

Only thirty produced and made in Germany.

Plenty of classic games and emulators, as far as i tell.

Music, internet, Program development, and it runs Linux aswell!

Touchscreen, gaming controls and full QWERTY keyboard.

Fantastic specs that are endless, so you'll never get bored.

Speakers, microphone 512 mb storage.

Long battery life, so no power shortage.

So wait in line and make your order

because there's mothing slicker than the OpenPandora.

Lolla 13/03/13 :wub:
Very good :)

Anything seems poetic

if for no obvious reason

you press enter a lot

in all the wrong places.
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Let me tell you what wouldn't be boredom:

A gathering of Know-It-Alls together on a Forum
And with Know-It-Alls as far as you can see
Just think what the potential might come to be

Id' like to be there as a fly on the wall
To see the mayhem, bedlam, confusion and all
I can imagine them searching for a modest few
For anyone who's listen, to be repulsive to

It would be fun, but for them a great test
To find out just who is the biggest darn pest
And how long should such a meeting last?
Until all realized they are a pain-in-the-ass

Perhaps at meeting's end some few would see
How totally obnoxious a Know-It-All can be   :P