If I Wanted To Sell My Gp32 Non Blu...

Jr2swiss posted on Oct 29 2004 at 06:29 PM said:
I would say $105ish very lucky to get anything more would be lucky. :)


I actually sold mine for $120. Then again, it was only used for a couple of months. Now I have and love my BLU :)
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wolly_wotsit posted on Oct 30 2004 at 10:35 AM said:
johnno15 posted on Oct 30 2004 at 02:36 AM said:
about 55 to 65 pounds <_<

really, any takers? :p

you shouldn't ask here what price to sell it at SOME people quote some really stupid prices just so they can get a deal, if you already have an ebay account go with that or walk into your local second hand games store with your gp32 with linux,doom,scumm,genesis and other cool things one of the employees will definetly buy it if they dont their dumb.
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Wow sweet baby jesus im not trying to get a deal the guy asked what price he thought that he would get on ebay and that is the price he would get i would buy it of him for that price of course i would but im not trying to get a "DEAL" its just a realistic price you just dont see standard gp32s around in the uk anymore :blink: