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Feb 17, 2004
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Can someone give me an idiots guide to setting up an Internet connection shareing thing.

Im on ME and im looking to share my connection with a lap top on XP, I installed a Network card today and have a crossover cable, so I need to know how to set up the connection. Thanks.

/me hopes axeman reads this.
when i set up mine to share via a wireless ad-hoc/p2p network i had to do the following:

on the host computer go to control panel\network connections.

open up the internet connection you'll be using and then tick the boxes that allow you to share the connection, make sure the firewall is turned off.

you then need to assign an i.p. to each computer. along the lines of for the host and for the laptop. you then need to fill in the default gateway on the host so it matches the ip adress you then need to set up the same subnet mask on each one, i use

you should then be able to share the connection. are you already able to share files etc via the two.

search on google for a more clarified version of what i've just said!
Also set the default dns to the computer with the net connection ( i had to do this before it started working : / unless you just leave everything to assign by dhcp i have no idea if ME has built in ICS if not there seems 2 be plenty on the internet for free
Yes - ME does have built-in ICS....

easiest and most effective way is to get a cheap router.... only about 20 odd quid if you've got a cable modem, and aboiut 30-40 if you've got an adsl modem...

(assuming you've got broadband that is :P)
HISSS ics doesn't really work. I also suggest a router, since we frequently had problems with not getting internet/network access on a random basis, causing need for reboot. Often the internet would stop being shared for days then suddenly come back on. A router is much more reliable!

If you DO insist on ICS, avoid DHCP like the plague and assign static IPs.
Yes you can but it's easier to get a router with built-in modem. They are probably cheaper.

Eh? No you cant! (As far as I know).

If you know better, bung a link in...

With an adsl modem router, you just put your username and password into the router via its web interface, then it dials up whenever its switched on. You can then run cables toi each machine that requires a net cpnnection, and it does all the dhcp address assigning for you.

I've got a wireless router with four ethernet ports, so I have my main PC, a secondary PC, a woreless laptop and my Xbox all linked up to it. I use the Xbox with Xbox media centre to play files from my main machine (video and audio) via Samba (SMB) shares.

IS cool :)
Ok, Ill try the ICS untill I scrape up enough money for a modem/router. Can anyone suggest a good one? Or give me a price range?
Axeman posted on Jul 26 2004 at 08:18 PM said:
Yes you can but it's easier to get a router with built-in modem. They are probably cheaper.

Eh? No you cant! (As far as I know).

If you know better, bung a link in...
Topcom has one. Look for the UBR 624 (products, data products, wired networking products, routers) and Eminent has another. No directions, the site was too slow, look for the Eminent EM4112.

Edit: Didn't know about this either but they were reviewed in a magazine I bought recently.
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IC Yes You Can!


IC Yes I can't help you

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