Icons Stuck On The Desktop


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010
I had my uae4all.pnd in my desktop rep, then put it in my menu rep.

But the icon is still on the desktop, and nothing happens when I click on it. I can't remove it with right click. In the properties :

Kind : desktop configuration file

Permissions : owner root - access read&write

What can I do ?

You did move, and not copy, right? :)

Pretty odd, but maybe the libpnd daemon got confused somewhere along the line. Try eject/insert one of your SD cards, and that shoudl cause a rescan and clean it all up.

Or a reboot, since it is set to scan on boot.

Failing that.. try copying one other pnd to the /pandora/desktop dir on SD and see if it needs to have 1 pnd file present to cause cleaning to occur? That'd be an odd bug :)

... sorry in a rush, can't go into details or try exotic fixes; worst case is a 'as root' deletion of the file, but will have to talk about it later; libpnd shoudl clean up after itself .. unless something else created that .desktop file, which doesn't seem likely.

I would add that you should "own" your own desktop, and I keep forgetting to submit this to the bug tracker. <sigh>

do this:
sudo chown [your username]:[your username] /home/[your username]