I Want To Make The D-Pad Mod For The Gp2X


Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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i want to make the d-pad mod for the gp2x. i found some information about that a few months ago. i cant find it again.

i want to know which d-pad i can use for it: ex: gba, gamecube, nes, snes d-pad...

and how to do it.

thanks for help and link.
hey :)
keep us informed :)
my cap is broken and really don't know how to fix it
won't buy another ..i really play with a hole in my finger
and that kills the gameplay

thought on modding or using a replacement for the broken cap

good luck and waiting for your "know-how" :)
Would be cool if you can include photos of it!


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my mod is not finish. until now i only get the right and down working.

i found my info there: http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?/topic/43361-me-doing-bacterias-d-pad-mod/page__p__632516__hl__gamecube__fromsearch__1&#entry632516

and there http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?/topic/41447-modding-my-2x-d-pad-spare-gba-parts/page__p__599564__hl__gamecube__fromsearch__1&#entry599564

someone has the bacteria mod guide ?
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someone can help me. only the UP, DOWN and RIGHT are working.
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check all the connections make sure there are no breaks.... I don't know exactly what you did so I cannot help you much more. Also don't just make sure its connected make sure its connected right.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! i tried all possibility. cant get the LEFT to work. i even solder the stick again. even the stick dont work LEFT.

i hope i wont have to trash it.
i got the left working. in total the board has 6 mid layer. somewhere in the mid layer 3 theres a small point that connect with the mid layer 4 for the left signal. near the center of the joystick. i have to made a hole in the middle of the board. i will tell you more soon. and i will try to add pictures. but my father has my gp2x right now, so i cant post any picture.
renejr902 said:
i got the left working. in total the board has 6 mid layer. somewhere in the mid layer 3 theres a small point that connect with the mid layer 4 for the left signal. near the center of the joystick. i have to made a hole in the middle of the board. i will tell you more soon. and i will try to add pictures. but my father has my gp2x right now, so i cant post any picture.

My father has succeed to repair it. the GBA mod pad work perfect. i will post pictures later this month. cant believe i played all this time with this crappy joystick
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