I Need Help With Unbricking U-boot On A Gp2x-f100


Still Fresh
Dec 28, 2006
I need help with unbricking U-boot on a GP2X-F100 in other words I need someone to reflash the firmware with a "JTAG" adapter or something and was wondering if anybody knows of a site that will reflash the firmware or if someone on this site will reflash the firmware for me.
or someone can just give me a link with the schematic of a GP2X JTAG adapter so I can build one myself, I rather build one just encase of further brickings. :unsure: Sense I'm such a noob it will undoubtedly get bricked again. :P

U-Boot is a "boot loader" the boot loader makes the GP2X start up and gives it the ability upgrade the firmware off the SD card by pressing the start and select buttons at the same time and without the boot loader the GP2X is considered "bricked"(Bricked=Not working or broken) but most bricked things are fixable in my case its fixable by reflashing the firmware.
schematics are on the wiki (wiki.gp2x.org), most retailers should reflash it for you, just write a email to the one where you bought it.
gp2x.de also reflashes them for you, if you bought from them its free else they take 10€, which is very cheep if you ask me.
Just out of question.. does anyone know if gp2x.co.uk offers such a service for its customers? Mine isnt bricked yet but it would be nice to know where to go should the worst happen in the future!
TheOwly1 posted on Dec 29 2006 at 01:53 AM said:
Just out of question.. does anyone know if gp2x.co.uk offers such a service for its customers? Mine isnt bricked yet but it would be nice to know where to go should the worst happen in the future!

No they don't reflash firmware I sent them a Email and they said "Hi, Sorry but we don't reflash consoles :( You can contact Evildragon at http://www.gp2x.de/shop/conditions.php?lan...a9rhff40j7m9fq6 and he should be able to help you."

I wish they did but I guess I'm sending my GP2X to Germany. This thing been to the UK, USA, and now its going to Germany. I really wish I did not brick it. :( I would be happier about this if it would bring back pictures from its vacation. lol
But the only advice I have is to buy a Dev bored like a BoB or Breakout bored because you can reflash the firmware with them by yourself. The only reason that I can't buy one is because my card number gotten stolen. :angry: I think it was a key logger or a worm that leaked it out. They are very very very very sneaky. :ph34r: I HATE THEM!!!!!!!! *head explodes*
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Owch. Sorry to hear that. But if Evil Dragon is helping you im sure your console will be in good hands. He seems to be quite respected around these forums from what ive read.

Good luck!
I am still happy to unbrick GP2X's in the UK if people ask nicely ;).

All I do ask is people cover the postage and make a small charity donation to a charity of there choice.