I Need Help With Gpsp

ydderf45 posted on Dec 20 2006 at 08:56 PM said:

That was probably the biggest clarification I have ever seen. What a deep answer...
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pool34 posted on Dec 20 2006 at 07:19 PM said:
ydderf45 posted on Dec 20 2006 at 08:56 PM said:

That was probably the biggest clarification I have ever seen. What a deep answer...
STFU pool!! yes is a fine answer..
TelcoLou asked him/her a yes or no question.
n00b have some respect for others!! :angry: :angry:
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pool34 posted on Dec 21 2006 at 03:19 AM said:
ydderf45 posted on Dec 20 2006 at 08:56 PM said:

That was probably the biggest clarification I have ever seen. What a deep answer...

Yawn... Another pointless and unproductive put-down by some brainless asshole :rolleyes: These boards need better moderating to weed out these morons... :angry:
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Well, he was also asked for more details. Like, I don't know, define what is strange about the menu he gets, if he followed the readme to the letter...

Also, the flamming responses were way more harsh then the mildly irritating post that pool wrote. It can be more contructive to respond calmly to irritating posts than adding many flaming, totally unproductive and insulting posts. My 2 cents. And sorry ydderf45, I know nothing about this emu.
Nelligan posted on Dec 21 2006 at 12:30 PM said:
Well, he was also asked for more details. Like, I don't know, define what is strange about the menu he gets, if he followed the readme to the letter...

Also, the flamming responses were way more harsh then the mildly irritating post that pool wrote. It can be more contructive to respond calmly to irritating posts than adding many flaming, totally unproductive and insulting posts. My 2 cents. And sorry ydderf45, I know nothing about this emu.

Yeah, you're right & I apologise for my behaviour (but not to pool - he's still an attention-seeking asshole)...

ydderf45 - I don't know about the menu either, sorry :)
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Tonka posted on Dec 21 2006 at 05:08 AM said:
pool34 posted on Dec 21 2006 at 03:19 AM said:
ydderf45 posted on Dec 20 2006 at 08:56 PM said:

That was probably the biggest clarification I have ever seen. What a deep answer...

Yawn... Another pointless and unproductive put-down by some brainless asshole :rolleyes: These boards need better moderating to weed out these morons... :angry:
yeah the mods did that (to one person) and it got every one in a tissy.....

and if you need help read the readme, heres what it says about controls

How to use gpSP on the GP2X:

Buttons are mapped by default as follows:


X -> A

B -> B









A -> FRAMESKIP/MENU (Press RIGHT on stick to enter MENU)





To quit the game, choose "Exit gpSP" within the menu.

hoep that helps
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I know that it is lame to bump an old thread but it would be worse to make a whole new thread to say: What I said earlier in this thread was a sarcastic joke. Although I understand how it could have been taken rudely. I was not completely joking however, I get tired (as I am sure lots of you do) of people (not just newbs) asking general questions and when calmly asked for more details, give less that a sentance for an answer (unless that is all that is needed). I do not think that ydderf45 is stupid or malicously trying to make it harder on everyone to help, but I apologize to ydderf45 and others if I came accross as a jerk.

Sorry its so long :(