I need help with dead keys configuration


Jun 2, 2008
Is there a -not very difficult- way to configure dead keys? I want to be able to input characters like áéíóú without having to use the Compose key. I suppose there must be a config file that can be edited to get this working, but what file? what do I need to edit?
Is there a -not very difficult- way to configure dead keys? I want to be able to input characters like áéíóú without having to use the Compose key. I suppose there must be a config file that can be edited to get this working, but what file? what do I need to edit?

.pndxmodmap (or similar called) in your home directory :)
I had a look to .pndXmodmap file, and it looks it has the key bindings, but I can't find anything in this file that looks like dead keys configuration. This is how the file looks like:

keycode   9 = Escape NoSymbol Escape

keycode  10 = 1 section 1 section

keycode  11 = 2 braceleft 2 braceleft

keycode  12 = 3 braceright 3 braceright

keycode  13 = 4 asciitilde 4 asciitilde

keycode  14 = 5 percent 5 percent

keycode  15 = 6 asciicircum 6 asciicircum

keycode  16 = 7 ampersand 7 ampersand

keycode  17 = 8 asterisk 8 asterisk

keycode  18 = 9 bracketleft 9 bracketleft

keycode  19 = 0 bracketright 0 bracketright

keycode  22 = BackSpace Delete BackSpace Delete

keycode  24 = q Q q Q

keycode  25 = w W w W

keycode  26 = e E e E

keycode  27 = r R r R

keycode  28 = t T t T

keycode  29 = y Y y Y

keycode  30 = u U u U

keycode  31 = i I i I

keycode  32 = o O o O

keycode  33 = p P p P

keycode  34 = parenleft NoSymbol parenleft

keycode  35 = parenright NoSymbol parenright

keycode  36 = Return Multi_key Return

keycode  37 = Control_L NoSymbol Control_L

keycode  38 = a A a A

keycode  39 = s S s S

keycode  40 = d D d D

keycode  41 = f F f F

keycode  42 = g G g G

keycode  43 = h H h H

keycode  44 = j J j J

keycode  45 = k K k K

keycode  46 = l L l L

keycode  47 = semicolon NoSymbol semicolon

keycode  48 = apostrophe NoSymbol apostrophe

keycode  49 = grave NoSymbol grave

keycode  50 = Shift_L NoSymbol Shift_L

keycode  52 = z Z z Z

keycode  53 = x X x X

keycode  54 = c C c C

keycode  55 = v V v V

keycode  56 = b B b B

keycode  57 = n N n N

keycode  58 = m M m M

keycode  59 = comma less comma less

keycode  60 = period greater period greater

keycode  61 = slash NoSymbol slash

keycode  62 = Shift_R NoSymbol Shift_R

keycode  64 = Alt_L NoSymbol Alt_L

keycode  65 = space NoSymbol space

keycode  66 = Caps_Lock NoSymbol Caps_Lock

keycode  67 = F1 NoSymbol F1

keycode  68 = F2 NoSymbol F2

keycode  69 = F3 NoSymbol F3

keycode  70 = F4 NoSymbol F4

keycode  71 = F5 NoSymbol F5

keycode  72 = F6 NoSymbol F6

keycode  73 = F7 NoSymbol F7

keycode  74 = F8 NoSymbol F8

keycode  75 = F9 NoSymbol F9

keycode  76 = F10 NoSymbol F10

keycode  82 = minus NoSymbol minus NoSymbol

keycode  83 = Home quotedbl Home quotedbl

keycode  86 = plus NoSymbol plus NoSymbol

keycode  87 = Prior Multi_key Prior Multi_key

keycode  88 = End XF86_Switch_VT_2 End XF86_Switch_VT_2

keycode  89 = Next XF86_Switch_VT_1 Next XF86_Switch_VT_1

keycode  95 = F11 NoSymbol F11

keycode  96 = F12 NoSymbol F12

keycode 118 = Insert NoSymbol Insert

keycode 132 = yen NoSymbol yen

keycode 187 = parenleft NoSymbol parenleft

keycode 188 = parenright NoSymbol parenright

keycode 191 = acute NoSymbol acute

keycode 192 = bar NoSymbol bar

keycode 193 = underscore NoSymbol underscore

keycode 194 = numbersign NoSymbol numbersign

keycode 195 = exclam NoSymbol exclam

keycode 196 = sterling NoSymbol sterling

keycode 197 = quotedbl NoSymbol quotedbl

keycode 198 = at NoSymbol at

keycode 199 = colon NoSymbol colon

keycode 200 = dollar NoSymbol dollar

keycode 201 = EuroSign NoSymbol EuroSign

keycode 222 = question NoSymbol question

keycode 235 = Tab NoSymbol Tab

I have quickly browsed xmodmap manual page and it says nothing about dead keys... Is this the right file for dead keys setup?
Thanks for your suggestion. That's better than nothing, but I'd rather prefer to input that keys using the standard way in spanish keyboards (i.e. "´" and then "a" to get "á", without having to use the compose key).

I suppose this must be easily doable because all Linux distros I tested even 15 years ago (my first Linux distro was a SuSE 5.3) had no problems with it.
I have googled a bit, and it looks like in PCs, there is a InputDevice section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf or equivalent file, with keyboard configuration. This section doesn't exist in Pandora xorg.conf file. In this section there should be a XkbVariant option where you put the nodeadkeys configuration value if desired (it looks like default is to use dead keys).


Where is dead keys configuration in Pandora?