I Hesitate To Buy A Gp32 Blu, Is It Brighter Than Gp2X


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Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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i hesitate to buy a gp32 blu, is it brighter than gp2x OR the gp2x is brighter than gp32 blu. how much more brighter. i didnt find the gp2x f-100 brightness very high. so i really want to know if gp32 is worst than that

i have the flu and nlu. i had a blu several years ago. but it was when it was released. i sold it one month later. so i dont remember the lcd backlight brightness and quality.

if you can compare it to the gp2x f-100 or F-200 brightness and quality. (i prefer you compare it to the f-100 but i think its the same screen than f-200 anyway)

ok help me.


i look on youtube and the backlight gp32 blu dont seem very bright.

i really want to know if its bright at least like the gp2x.

i will buy one soon if the screen is enough bright
Hi renejr902,

I`ve uploaded a small video to youtube showing the GP32`s Blu screen in a room with the light on and off,
Just so you can see what the screen looks like.

I used to own a GP2x a couple of years ago, But just could not get on with it, I sold it soon after,
So can not remember how bright (or dull) it`s screen is compared to the GP32.

Hope this gives you some idea.

Oh btw, I don`t normally play this bad, Honest!.

renejr902 said:
ok help me.


i look on youtube and the backlight gp32 blu dont seem very bright.

i really want to know if its bright at least like the gp2x.

i will buy one soon if the screen is enough bright

The BLU has got a better screeeen than the FLU, but the screen of the GP2X is still better, at least when it comes to contrast.
On the other hand, my eyes always hurt less when playing with the GP32 (any) because of the scanlines or what.
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