How Well Do These Games Play On Pocketsnes 7.20 / Snes9X4C?


Still Fresh
Jan 30, 2011
how does tales of phantasia play? its it choppy? slowdowns? i tried it on my psp with the lastest snes9x tyl with 0 frameskips psp accel acurate and it slows to a crawl at the scene where they arive at the burned villge in the begining of the game, also the dhaos time travel credit scene is slowed some too, also graphics of menu glitch which is remidied by going to the home menu then back to the game.

also howabout star ocean? star oean runs perfectly speed wise on psp [same settings as top] except for menu graphic glitching and some very slight slowdown in intense graphical moments and its also tears the screan very badly.

also howabout seiken densetsu 3? it runs on psp but is hard to read cuz of no high resolution output mode.

can someone tell me how these games perform on caanoo on pocketsnes 7.20 / snes9x4c?

this will count greatly on whether i buy a caanoo or not

thanks in advance
I can only talk about SD3 but Pocketsnes has hires support (as does snes9x4C but without scaling) and is very playable with overclocking.
@redlemon: does it need frameskips to acheive a perfect 60 fps at all times? also does the picture cut as you move around?
anyone have any thoughts to share on tales of phantasia or star ocean?

on my psp 1000 cfw, latest stable version of snes9x tyl i get near perfect framerate with no frameskips and it set on psp accel accurate software and clocked at 333 mhz when playing star ocean.

with tales of phantasia i can get full 60 fps with no frame skips. but still the graphics glitch up at times as well as certain areas like the burning town it slows to a huge crawl, maybe thats because of transparencies with the smoke, but maybe not since star ocean which ironicly is a sa-1 chip game has transparecies all over with it's trees but still maintains a constant speed within the mid 50s range on frame skips 0

now what im wondering is several things, considering that when the caanoo is overclocked it reaches 750 mhz, which is more than twice the psp's max clock setting. so im wondering why it is that the psp's emulation is so decent for it's low specs compared to the caanoo. and at the same time has more stable compatibility. almost every game i try works, just some might be very very slow whereas others have no glitches whatsover and have perfect frame rate, speedy and are smooth veiwing. my question is is this because of the ones on caanoo being cross platform like pocketsnes, thus making them slower and not as highly optimizable and the psp snes emu being designed directly for the psp's hardware? or is it just because they havent had enough time to mature to where they need to be.

anyway if people could answer as much of this as they could thatd be great. also, could someone please play tales of phantasia up to the point where he finds his mom and dad dead on the highest performance settings [overclocked to highest, and tried on all emus, snes9x4c, and pocketsnes both fast and compatible executables] ecept with the frame skip being set on zero, then tell me how the frame rate fluctuated under different conditions in gameplay like the town burning, dhaos battle in begining/time travel credits scene right after and battle.

please do the same tests with star ocean up to the end of your first battle with the funny theives. also see how it reactes to the mode seven graphics in the opening with the space ship and blowing up planet.

the answers to these questions are vital to whether i deside to buy the caanoo or not as these are my favorite rpgs for the snes and i love portable gaming. if anyone can answer all these questions for me, even though i know its alot to ask and have them all answered, i will be very grateful and very very happy, so for someone with a caanoo ready and willing to test this out for me and report results here, id be very very very thankful

thankyou so much and i hope this request is answered in full
