How To Take Screenshots Of Gigas In Geepee


Certified Guru
Feb 16, 2004
Hiya, i've noticed a few of you are baffled (as i was) as to how you can take pictures of your games using GeePee.

Heres what you'll need..
GeePee32 (GP32 Emulator)
GP32 BIOS (the unofficial firmware is probably better for this)
MakeSMC (get it from here)

Basically MakeSMC gets folders off your PC, and makes them into a .smc file - what i do is simply make a new folder, say "MAKESMC" and then copy everything from my GP32 SMC card into that folder, keeping the folders how they are.

so for instance, GIGAS.FXE should be in
Then you simply run makesmc, as so...
makesmc_32mb c:\makesmc test.smc
I use MakeSmc_32mb as its quicker, but you should really get the makesmc which is the same size as your SMC card so you know everything will fit in.

that'll generate a file called 'test.smc'

Load GeePee32 and instead of "Load GXE" pick "Load SMC" then select the .smc file just generated by makesmc and then just load gigas like you would on your GP32.

hope that helps
A lot of progs can not be launched with Geepee, even though with smcmaker.

GP Doom doesn't work and a very few work only because Geepee is only a way to test "simple" prog for programers.

I really doubt that you can launch Genesis Roms with Geepee, even though you can run Gigadrive.
Also you can run Opensnes but not any roms. ;)
Gigas works on every firmware in GeePee, but i believe it freezes after 5 or so minutes which is due to a bug in the emulator.

apart from that it works perfectly :)
Pirotic posted on May 31 2004 at 08:16 PM said:
Gigas works on every firmware in GeePee, but i believe it freezes after 5 or so minutes which is due to a bug in the emulator.

apart from that it works perfectly :)
yeah, but the korean freeloader gave me errors because mine is encrypted to my gp32 and won't work with a different gp32/emulator :)
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