How to set the date and time?


Still Fresh
Feb 27, 2011
How in the absolute hell do you set the date and time on this thing?!  xD I set it correctly during the first time setup, but its drifted... quite a bit actually, and I can't for the life of me find a way to change it. I've looked on google, scoured the forums and all that, and theres no mention of this issue anywhere (maybe I didn't look hard enough?). I want to change the time so I can download the additional files for GTA 3, because it wont even try if the clock isn't set correctly (although ED mentioned that the market would have issues if the time wasn't right, but it didn't complain). I tried changing the time in Android, but the clock wont budge. I'm fairly tech savvy, but this is just beating the hell outta me. If I do get the time set, is there something I can do to prevent this from happening in the future?
Hiho there,

you can change that through "Date and Time" =)

In "Desktop mode" you can find this option located under "Settings" after you entered the "Start Menu" (Pandora Button)

Mine is usually drifting away too btw. ^^
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You can call the time dialog from the first setup wizard via Pandora menu -> Settings -> Date and Time.

Otherwise, if you have a network connection, just open a Terminal and run:

 sudo ntpdate

[edit] Note that ntpdate needs a correct timezone to be set via Date and Time, otherwise your time will be UTC (or whatever was defined during initial setup).
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Oh my dear lord, I feel like such a dipshit right about now, But I... That wasn't,,, but what about... *sigh* (defeated)