I have a few animated sprites which should appear in the background of my level at fixed positions.
Problem is, that the level is bigger than the screen and i don't know how to blit the sprites correctly.
Blitting directly to the screen didn't work, because the sprites don't leave the visible area, when they reach the visible area (seems as if every SDL_Rect based position on the *screen which is at x or y < 0 is set to position = 0).
As you can see, the flowers never left the visible area
Blitting to another surface fixed the problem with the leaving of the visible area but since there is no double buffer every step of the animation is drawn to the same surface.
So, what I need is a surface with the size of the level (again: bigger than the visible area) where I can use the blit & flip technique or something which can archive the same effect.
Any help ist appreciated, thanks in advance.